Source code for portal_web.views.debug

# For copyright and license terms, see COPYRIGHT.rst (top level of repository)
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import logging

from pyramid.view import (
from psycopg2 import (

from import benchmarks
from ..models import Tdb
from ..views import ViewBase

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @view_defaults( context='..resources.DebugResource', permission=NO_PERMISSION_REQUIRED, environment="development") class DebugViews(ViewBase):
[docs] @view_config( name='tryton', renderer='../templates/debug/', decorator=Tdb.transaction()) def check_tryton(self, request): ''' This view should display some useful information about Tryton and the database backend. Is the PostGresDB running? Are there any databases present? Shall we recreate them now? createdb -h -p 5432 -U postgres -O postgres -w -E UTF-8 c3s env/bin/trytond -d c3s -c etc/trytond.conf --all env/bin/python -m doctest -v etc/scenario_master_data.txt returns a dictionary of values to render with the template ''' # request.session.pop_flash('tryton_database_checking') the_result = { 'is_postgres_up': True, # expect the best ;-) 'db_exists_at_all': True, 'databases': [], 'database_name': '', 'object_name_list': [] } # check connection status try: Tdb.pool() except AttributeError as ae: # pragma: no cover log.debug('hit an AttributeError! \n%s' % ae) except DatabaseError as dbe: # pragma: no cover log.debug('hit a database error: %s') % dbe the_result['db_exists_at_all'] = 'the database does not exist!' request.session.flash( dbe, 'tryton_database_checking' ) except OperationalError as oe: # pragma: no cover if 'does not exist' in oe.message: log.debug('---- Operational Error: %s') % oe the_result['is_postgres_up'] = True the_result['db_exists_at_all'] = False # check for existing databases try: the_result['databases'] = Tdb.pool().database_list() log.debug('databases: %s' % the_result['databases']) except OperationalError as oe: # pragma: no cover log.debug('hit OperationalError oe: {}'.format(oe)) # check for existing databases try: the_result['database_name'] = Tdb.pool().database_name log.debug('database_name: %s' % the_result['database_name']) except OperationalError: # pragma: no cover pass # check for object classes in tryton pool try: the_result['object_name_list'] = sorted( Tdb.pool().object_name_list() ) log.debug('object_classes: %s' % the_result['object_name_list']) except OperationalError: # pragma: no cover pass except KeyError as ke: # pragma: no cover log.debug('hit the KeyError: %s' % ke) return the_result
[docs] @view_config( name='benchmark', renderer='../templates/debug/') def benchmark(self): delete = ('delete' in self.request.POST or self.request.GET) return benchmarks(delete)