Source code for portal_web.tests.unit.test_resources

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Resources Tests

import pytest

from ...resources import (

[docs] class ResourceBaseMock(ResourceBase): """ mock resource base object """ __name__ = "news" __parent__ = None __children__ = {} __registry__ = {} __acl__ = []
[docs] class ResourceBaseChildMock(ResourceBase): """ mock resource base child object * has __parent__ * child of ResourceBaseMock """ __name__ = "newschild" __parent__ = ResourceBaseMock __children__ = {} __registry__ = {} __acl__ = []
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def orig_dict(): """ Returns the original dictonary to test registry merging in resources. """ return { 'A': { 'A1': 'A1', 'A2': 'A2' }, 'B': 'B' }
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def new_dict(): """ Returns the new dictonary to test registry merging in resources. """ return { 'A': { 'A2': 'XX' }, 'B': {}, 'C': 'C' }
[docs] class TestResources: """ Resource test class """
[docs] def test_dictionary_merge_secondlevel_original_persistance( self, orig_dict, new_dict): """ Dictionary merge: Does value from original second-level dictionary persist? """ result_dict = ResourceBase.merge_registry(orig_dict, new_dict) assert result_dict['A']['A1'] == 'A1'
[docs] def test_dictionary_merge_secondlevel_new_persistance( self, orig_dict, new_dict): """ Dictionary merge: Does value from new second-level dictionary persist over value of original second-level dictionary? """ result_dict = ResourceBase.merge_registry(orig_dict, new_dict) assert result_dict['A']['A2'] == 'XX'
[docs] def test_dictionary_merge_firstlevel_deletion( self, orig_dict, new_dict): """ Dictionary merge: Is value being deleted if an empty value {} is assigned in new dictionary? """ result_dict = ResourceBase.merge_registry(orig_dict, new_dict) assert result_dict['B'] == {}
[docs] def test_dictionary_merge_firstlevel_new_persistance( self, orig_dict, new_dict): """ Dictionary merge: Does value from new first-level dictionary persist over value of original first-level dictionary? """ result_dict = ResourceBase.merge_registry(orig_dict, new_dict) assert result_dict['C'] == 'C'
[docs] def test_resourcebase_init(self, pyramid): """ test ResourceBase.init """ resource_base = ResourceBase(pyramid.request) assert resource_base
[docs] def test_resourcebase_init_parent(self, pyramid): """ test ResourceBase.init with parent """ resource_base_child = ResourceBaseChildMock(pyramid.request) assert resource_base_child
[docs] def test_getitem_KeyError(self, pyramid): """ test ResourceBase.__getitem__ KeyError """ resource_base_child = ResourceBaseChildMock(pyramid.request) with pytest.raises(KeyError) as excinfo: resource_base_child.__getitem__('foo') assert 'foo' in str(excinfo.value)
[docs] def test_getitem_child(self, pyramid): """ test ResourceBase.__getitem__ child """ ResourceBaseMock.add_child(ResourceBaseChildMock) resource_base = ResourceBaseMock(pyramid.request) assert resource_base.__getitem__('newschild').__name__ == 'newschild'
[docs] def test_add_child(self): """ test ResourceBase.add_child """ ResourceBaseMock.add_child(ResourceBaseChildMock) assert 'newschild' in ResourceBaseMock.__children__ assert isinstance( ResourceBaseMock, ResourceBaseChildMock.__parent__.__class__) assert ResourceBaseChildMock.__parent__.__name__ == 'ResourceBaseMock'
[docs] def test_resourcebase__str__(self, pyramid): """ test ResourceBase.__str__ """ resource_base = ResourceBaseChildMock(pyramid.request) string = resource_base.__str__() assert "context" in string assert ( "portal_web.tests.unit.test_resources.ResourceBaseChildMock\n" ) in string assert "context.__parent__: news\n" in string assert "context.__children__: {}\n" in string assert "context.registry" in string
[docs] class TestWebRootFactory: """ WebRootFactory test class """
[docs] def test_webrootfactory_frontend(self, pyramid): """ test webrootfactory frontend """ pyramid.config.testing_securitypolicy(userid=None, permissive=False) frontend = WebRootFactory(pyramid.request) assert isinstance(frontend, FrontendResource)
[docs] def test_webrootfactory_backend(self, pyramid): """ test webrootfactory backend """ pyramid.config.testing_securitypolicy(userid=1, permissive=True) backend = WebRootFactory(pyramid.request) assert isinstance(backend, BackendResource)