# For copyright and license terms, see COPYRIGHT.rst (top level of repository)
# Repository: https://github.com/C3S/portal_web
import logging
from . import Tdb
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class WebUser(Tdb):
Model wrapper for Tryton model object 'web.user'.
__name__ = 'web.user'
def current_web_user(cls, request):
Gets the currently logged in web user.
request (pyramid.request.Request): Current request.
obj (web.user): Web user.
None: If no web user is logged in.
userid = request.authenticated_userid
if not userid:
return None
return cls.search_by_email(userid)
def current_party(cls, request):
Gets the party of the currently logged in web user.
request (pyramid.request.Request): Current request.
obj (web.user.party): Party of the web user.
None: If no web user is logged in
if not request.web_user:
return None
return request.web_user.party
def current_user(cls, request):
Gets the party of the currently logged in web user.
request (pyramid.request.Request): Current request.
obj (web.user.party): Party of the web user.
None: If no web user is logged in
if not request.web_user:
return None
return request.web_user.user
def current_roles(cls, request):
Gets the roles of the currently logged in web user.
request (pyramid.request.Request): Current request.
list: List of roles of the current web user.
None: If no web user is logged in.
if not request.web_user:
return None
return [role.code for role in request.web_user.roles]
def groupfinder(cls, email, request):
Gets the roles of a web user for effective principals.
email (str): Email of the web user.
request (pyramid.request.Request): Current request.
list: List of roles of the current web user.
None: If no web user is logged in.
web_user = cls.search_by_email(email)
if web_user:
return cls.roles(web_user)
return None
def roles(cls, web_user):
Gets the roles of a web user.
web_user (obj[web.user]): Web user.
list: List of roles of the web user.
return [role.code for role in web_user.roles]
def authenticate(cls, email, password):
Checks authentication of a web user with email and password.
email (str): Email of the web user.
password (str): Password of the web user.
obj (web.user): Web user.
None: If authentication check failed.
# support case-insensitive email addresses
user, = cls.get().search([('email', 'ilike', cls.escape(email))])
except Exception:
valid, _ = cls.get().check_password(password, user.password_hash)
if valid:
return user
def search_all(cls):
Gets all web users.
list (obj[web.user]): List of web users.
None: if no match is found.
return cls.get().search([])
def search_by_id(cls, uid):
Searches a web user by id.
uid (string): Id of the web user.
obj (web.user): Web user.
None: If no match is found.
if uid is None:
return None
result = cls.get().search([('id', '=', uid)])
return result[0] if result else None
def search_by_email(cls, email):
Searches a web user by email.
email (str): Email of the web user.
obj (web.user): Web user.
None: If no match is found.
if email is None:
return None
result = cls.get().search([('email', 'ilike', cls.escape(email))])
return result[0] if result else None
def search_by_opt_in_uuid(cls, opt_in_uuid):
Searches a web user by opt in uuid.
opt_in_uuid (string): Opt in uuid of the web user.
obj (web.user): Web user.
None: If no match is found.
if opt_in_uuid is None:
return None
result = cls.get().search([('opt_in_uuid', '=', opt_in_uuid)])
return result[0] if result else None
def get_opt_in_uuid_by_id(cls, uid):
Searches an opt in uuid by web user id.
uid (string): Id of the web user.
str: Opt in uuid.
None: If no match is found.
if uid is None:
return None
web_user = cls.search_by_id(uid)
if web_user:
return web_user.opt_in_uuid
return None
def get_opt_in_state_by_email(cls, email):
Searches the opt in state for the web user by email.
email (string): Email of the web user.
str: Opt in state.
None: If no match is found.
if email is None:
return None
web_user = cls.search_by_email(email)
if web_user:
return web_user.opt_in_state
return None
def update_opt_in_state(cls, opt_in_uuid, state):
Sets the opt in state for the web user.
opt_in_uuid (string): Opt in uuid of the web user.
state (string): New opt in state.
True: If update was successful.
False: Otherwise.
if opt_in_uuid is None:
return False
web_user = cls.search_by_opt_in_uuid(opt_in_uuid)
if web_user:
web_user.opt_in_state = state
return True
return False
def create(cls, vlist):
Creates web users.
vlist (list): List of dictionaries with attributes of a web user.
'email': str (required),
'password': str (required)
list (obj[web.user]): List of created web users.
None: If no object was created.
KeyError: If required field is missing.
for values in vlist:
if 'email' not in values:
raise KeyError('email is missing')
if 'password' not in values:
raise KeyError('password is missing')
result = cls.get().create(vlist)
for wu in vlist:
if 'password' in wu:
wu['password'] = '********'
log.debug('create web_user:\n{}'.format(vlist))
return result or None