Source code for portal_web.models.checksum

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import datetime

import logging

from . import Tdb, MixinSearchByCode

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Checksum(Tdb, MixinSearchByCode): """ Model wrapper for Tryton model object 'checksum'. """ __name__ = 'checksum'
[docs] @classmethod def search_collision(cls, code, algorithm=None, begin=None, end=None): """ Searches for a checksum collision. Args: begin (int): First byte for checksum. end (int): Last byte for checksum. algorithm (str): Algorithm for checksum. code (str): Code of checksum. Returns: list (obj[Checksum]): List of collided checksums. list ([]): If no match is found. """ if code is None: return [] query = [('code', '=', code)] if begin: query.append(('begin', '=', begin)) if end: query.append(('end', '=', end)) if algorithm: query.append(('algorithm', '=', algorithm)) return cls.get().search(query)
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, vlist): """ Creates a checksum. Args: vlist (list): List of dictionaries with attributes of a checksum. [ { 'origin': obj content||harddisk (required), 'code': str (required) 'timestamp': obj (required), 'algorithm': str (required), 'begin': int, 'end': int }, { ... } ] Returns: list (obj[checksum]): List of created bank account numbers. None: If no object was created. Raises: KeyError: If required field is missing. NotImplementedError: If type is not implemented. """ log.debug('create {} checksums'.format(len(vlist))) for values in vlist: if 'origin' not in values: raise KeyError('origin is missing') if 'code' not in values: raise KeyError('code is missing') if 'algorithm' not in values: raise KeyError('algorithm is missing') if 'timestamp' not in values: values['timestamp'] = result = cls.get().create(vlist) return result or None