Source code for portal_web.includes

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Functions to include resources/views and register content by the plugin system.

The following functions are called by convention on app creation:

- web_resources
- web_registry
- web_views
- api_views

from .resources import (

[docs] def web_resources(config): ''' Extends the resource tree for the web service. Note: The function is called by the plugin system, when the app is created. Args: config (pyramid.config.Configurator): App config. Returns: None. ''' settings = config.get_settings() if settings['env'] == 'development': BackendResource.add_child(DebugResource) FrontendResource.add_child(DebugResource)
[docs] def web_registry(config): ''' Extends the registry for content elements for the web service. Note: The function is called by the plugin system, when the app is created. Args: config (pyramid.config.Configurator): App config. Returns: None. ''' pass
[docs] def web_views(config): ''' Adds the views for the web service. Note: The function is called by the plugin system, when the app is created. Args: config (pyramid.config.Configurator): App config. Returns: None. ''' config.add_static_view( 'static/portal', 'static', cache_max_age=3600 ) config.add_static_view( 'static/deform', 'deform:static', cache_max_age=3600 ) config.scan(ignore=['.views.api', '.tests'])
[docs] def api_views(config): ''' Adds the views for the api service. Note: The function is called by the plugin system, when the app is created. Args: config (pyramid.config.Configurator): App config. Returns: None. ''' config.add_static_view( 'static/portal', 'static', cache_max_age=3600, environment='testing' ) config.scan('.views.api')