Source code for portal_web.config

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Helper functions for the creation of the pyramid app.

import os
import logging
# from pkgutil import iter_modules
import configparser

from trytond.transaction import Transaction
from trytond.pool import Pool

from pyramid.httpexceptions import (
from pyramid.renderers import get_renderer

from .models import (
from . import helpers

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def replace_environment_vars(settings): """ Substitues placeholders in app settings with environment variables. Values in the app settings with the syntax `${ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE}` are substituted with the respective value of the key ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE in the environment variables. Args: settings (dict): Parsed [app:main] section of .ini file. Returns: dict: substituted settings. Examples: >>> import os >>> os.environ['SERVICE'] = 'webgui' >>> settings = { 'service': '${SERVICE}' } >>> print(replace_environment_vars(settings)) { 'service' = 'webgui' } Raises: AssertionError: on unsubstituted setting. """ _settings = {} for key, value in settings.items(): value = os.path.expandvars(value) assert not ( value.startswith('${') and value.endswith('}') ), f"envvar not found: {{ '{key}': '{value}' }}" _settings[key] = value return _settings
[docs] def get_plugins(settings=None, environment=None): """ Fetches plugin settings based on module name pattern matching. The module name pattern needs to be configured in the portal app settings as key `plugins.pattern`. All modules starting with this pattern will be treated as portal plugins. Note: Dots in module names get substituted by an underscore. Args: settings (dict): Parsed [app:main] section of .ini file. Returns: dict: plugin settings. Examples: >>> settings = { 'plugins.pattern': '_web' } >>> print(get_plugins(settings)) { 200: { 'path': '/ado/src/someplugin_web', 'name': 'someplugin_web', 'settings': {} }, 100: { 'path': '/ado/src/anotherplugin_web', 'name': 'anotherplugin_web', 'settings': {} } } """ if not environment: environment = os.environ.get('ENVIRONMENT', 'production') if not settings: from paste.deploy.loadwsgi import appconfig settings = appconfig( 'config:' + os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', environment + '.ini' ) ) plugins = {} modules = [ # TODO: fix plugin search # {'name': name, 'path': imp.path} for imp, name, _ in iter_modules() # if name.endswith(settings['plugins.pattern']) # and name != "portal_web" { 'name': 'collecting_society_web', 'path': '/shared/src/collecting_society_web' } ] config = configparser.ConfigParser() for plugin in modules: settings_path = plugin['path'] + '/' + environment + '.ini' plugin_settings = dict(config.items('plugin:main')) if 'plugin.priority' not in plugin_settings: raise KeyError("'plugin.priority' missing in " + settings_path) priority = int(plugin_settings['plugin.priority']) del plugin_settings['plugin.priority'] plugins[priority] = { 'name': plugin['name'], 'settings': plugin_settings, 'path': plugin['path'] } return plugins
[docs] def add_templates(event): """ Adds base templates and macros as top-level name in temlating system. Args: event ( BeforeRender event. Returns: None. """ event.update({ 'base': get_renderer( 'templates/').implementation(), 'frontend': get_renderer( 'templates/').implementation(), 'backend': get_renderer( 'templates/').implementation(), 'backend363': get_renderer( 'templates/').implementation(), 'backend39': get_renderer( 'templates/').implementation(), 'm': get_renderer( 'templates/').implementation() })
[docs] def add_helpers(event): """ Adds helper functions as top-level name in temlating system. Args: event ( BeforeRender event. Returns: None. """ event['h'] = helpers
[docs] def add_locale(event): """ Sets the language of the app. Considers several sources in the following, descending order: 1. request: manual choice of language using GET parameter `_LOCALE_` 2. cookie: formerly chosen or detected language using cookie `_LOCALE_` 3. browser: browser language using HTTP header `Accept-Language` 4. default: en The chosen or detected language will be saved in a cookie `_LOCALE_`. Args: event ( NewRequest event. Returns: None. """ # exclude requests p = event.request.path if p.startswith('/static/') or p.startswith('/_debug_toolbar/'): return # mapping LANGUAGE_MAPPING = { 'de': 'de', 'en': 'en', 'es': 'es', } default = 'en' # default locale current = default # cookie locale cookie = event.request.cookies.get('_LOCALE_') if cookie: event.request._LOCALE_ = cookie # check browser for language, if no cookie present browser = event.request.accept_language if not cookie and browser in LANGUAGE_MAPPING: current = LANGUAGE_MAPPING.get(browser) # language request request = event.request.params.get('_LOCALE_') if request and request in LANGUAGE_MAPPING: current = LANGUAGE_MAPPING.get(request) event.request.response = HTTPFound(location=event.request.path_url) event.request._LOCALE_ = current event.request.response.set_cookie('_LOCALE_', value=current)
[docs] def start_db_transaction(event): """ Starts a transaction on a pool db connection. If needed, open database. """ user = Transaction().user # pyramid subrequests have no cursor connection = Transaction().connection if connection: Transaction().new_transaction(readonly=True) if not user and not connection: with Transaction().start(Tdb._db, 0): pool = Pool(str(Tdb._db)) user = pool.get('res.user') context = user.get_preferences(context_only=True) Transaction().start( Tdb._db, Tdb._user, readonly=True, context=context)
[docs] def stop_db_transaction(event): """ Stops a transaction so the db connection can be freed back to the db connection pool """ def close_db(request): connection = Transaction().connection if connection: transaction = Transaction() if not transaction.readonly: transaction.commit() transaction.stop() if event.request.registry.settings['debug.tdb.transactions'] == 'true': Tdb.wraps = 0 event.request.add_finished_callback(close_db)
[docs] def web_user(request): p = request.path # exclude requests if p.startswith('/static/') or p.startswith('/_debug_toolbar/'): return None return WebUser.current_web_user(request)
[docs] def party(request): p = request.path # exclude requests if p.startswith('/static/') or p.startswith('/_debug_toolbar/'): return None return WebUser.current_party(request)
[docs] def user(request): p = request.path # exclude requests if p.startswith('/static/') or p.startswith('/_debug_toolbar/'): return None return WebUser.current_user(request)
[docs] def roles(request): p = request.path # exclude requests if p.startswith('/static/') or p.startswith('/_debug_toolbar/'): return None return WebUser.current_roles(request)
[docs] def notfound(request): """ Not Found view (404 Error). Args: request (pyramid.request): Current request. Returns: pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound: 404 Response. """ return HTTPNotFound()
[docs] def context_found(event): """Trigger _context_found() on context, after it has been found""" event.request.context._context_found()
[docs] def debug_context(event): """ Prints context to debug log. Args: event ( ContextFound event. Returns: None. """ p = event.request.path settings = event.request.registry.settings # exclude requests if p.startswith('/static/') or p.startswith('/_debug_toolbar/'): return # api if settings['service'] == 'webapi': if settings['debug.api.context'] == 'false': return # web if settings['service'] == 'webgui': if settings['debug.web.context'] == 'false': return log.debug(event.request.context)
[docs] def debug_request(event): """ Prints request to debug log. Args: event ( NewRequest event. Returns: None. """ p = event.request.path settings = event.request.registry.settings # exclude requests if p.startswith('/_debug_toolbar/'): return if settings['debug.static'] == 'false' and p.startswith('/static/'): return # api if settings['service'] == 'webapi': if settings['debug.api.request'] == 'false': return # web if settings['service'] == 'webgui': if settings['debug.web.request'] == 'false': return # log try: log.debug("REQUEST:\n %s" % event.request.as_bytes(skip_body=True)) except: # noqa pass
[docs] def debug_response(event): """ Prints response to debug log. Args: event ( NewRequest event. Returns: None. """ p = event.request.path settings = event.request.registry.settings # exclude requests if p.startswith('/_debug_toolbar/'): return if settings['debug.static'] == 'false' and p.startswith('/static/'): return # api if settings['service'] == 'webapi': if settings['debug.api.response'] == 'false': return # web if settings['service'] == 'webgui': if settings['debug.web.response'] == 'false': return # log try: # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() log.debug("RESPONSE:\n %s" % event.response.__str__(skip_body=True)) except: # noqa pass
[docs] class Environment(object): """ View predicate factory for restricting views to environments. Args: val (str): value for comparison. config (pyramid.config.Configurator): App config. Classattributes: phash (str): hash for view predicate. Attributes: val (str): value for comparison. """ def __init__(self, val, config): self.val = val
[docs] def text(self): return 'environment = %s' % (self.val,)
phash = text def __call__(self, context, request): ''' Compares the value of the key `env` in registry settings with the value of the view predicate key `environment`. Args: context (object): Current resource. request (pyramid.request): Current request. Returns: True if val is equal to the current environment, False otherwise. ''' return request.registry.settings['env'] == self.val