Source code for collecting_society_worker.repro

#!/usr/bin/env python
# For copyright and license terms, see COPYRIGHT.rst (top level of repository)
# Repository:

The one and only C3S repertoire processing utility

# --- Imports ---

import os
import time
import fcntl
import socket
import subprocess
import configparser
import json
import datetime
import re
import hashlib
import click
import requests
from pydub import AudioSegment
import taglib
from proteus import config, Model
    import trytonAccess
except Exception:
    from . import trytonAccess
# import fileTools

# --- some constants ---

# 2DO: _preview_default
_preview_format = 'ogg'
_preview_quality = '0'
_preview_samplerate = '16000'
_preview_fadein = 1000
_preview_fadeout = 1000
_preview_segment_duration = 8000
_preview_segment_crossfade = 2000
_preview_segment_interval = 54000
_excerpt_format = 'wav'
_excerpt_quality = '0'
_excerpt_samplerate = '11025'
_excerpt_fadein = 0
_excerpt_fadeout = 0
_excerpt_segment_duration = 60000

# --- some initialization ---

[docs] def expand_envvars(section): return dict( (k, os.path.expandvars(v)) for k, v in section.items() )
# read config from .ini CONFIGURATION = configparser.ConfigParser() os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), '..', 'config.ini')) # debugging try: DEBUGGING_CONFIG = expand_envvars(dict(CONFIGURATION.items('debugging'))) # winpdb if int(DEBUGGING_CONFIG['debugger_winpdb']): import rpdb2 rpdb2.start_embedded_debugger("supersecret", fAllowRemote=True) # debugpy if int(DEBUGGING_CONFIG['debugger_debugpy']): import debugpy # unconditional import breaks test coverage debugpy.listen(("", 52002)) except configparser.NoSectionError: pass try: PROTEUS_CONFIG = expand_envvars(dict(CONFIGURATION.items('proteus'))) except configparser.NoSectionError: print( "Error: Please run " "from the collecting_society_worker main folder.") exit() FILEHANDLING_CONFIG = expand_envvars(dict(CONFIGURATION.items('filehandling'))) ECHOPRINT_CONFIG = expand_envvars(dict(CONFIGURATION.items('echoprint'))) ECHOPRINT_SCHEMA = ECHOPRINT_CONFIG['schema'] assert ECHOPRINT_SCHEMA ECHOPRINT_HOSTNAME = ECHOPRINT_CONFIG['hostname'] assert ECHOPRINT_HOSTNAME ECHOPRINT_PORT = ECHOPRINT_CONFIG['port'] if not ECHOPRINT_PORT: ECHOPRINT_PORT = 80 ECHOPRINT_URL = (ECHOPRINT_SCHEMA + "://" + ECHOPRINT_HOSTNAME + ":" + ECHOPRINT_PORT) HOSTNAME = socket.gethostname() STORAGE_BASE_PATH = FILEHANDLING_CONFIG['storage_base_path'] # --- Processing stage functions for single audiofiles ---
[docs] def preview_audiofile(srcdir, destdir, filename): """ Creates a low-quality preview audio snippet for newly uploaded files. """ # make sure previews and excerpts paths exist content_base_path = FILEHANDLING_CONFIG['content_base_path'] if ensure_path_exists(content_base_path) is None: print("ERROR: '" + content_base_path + "' couldn't be created as content base path.") return # create directories in absolute paths if needed previews_path = os.path.join( FILEHANDLING_CONFIG['previews_path'], filename[0], filename[1]) excerpts_path = os.path.join( FILEHANDLING_CONFIG['excerpts_path'], filename[0], filename[1]) if ensure_path_exists( os.path.join(content_base_path, previews_path) ) is None: print("ERROR: '" + os.path.join(content_base_path, previews_path) + "' couldn't be created for previews.") return if ensure_path_exists( os.path.join(content_base_path, excerpts_path) ) is None: print( "ERROR: '" + os.path.join(content_base_path, excerpts_path) + "' couldn't be created for excerpts.") return # create paths with filenames filepath = os.path.join(srcdir, filename) previews_filepath_relative = os.path.join(previews_path, filename) excerpts_filepath_relative = os.path.join(excerpts_path, filename) previews_filepath = os.path.join( content_base_path, previews_filepath_relative) excerpts_filepath = os.path.join( content_base_path, excerpts_filepath_relative) # find content in database from filename try: matching_content = trytonAccess.get_content_by_filename(filename) except Exception: print("ERROR: Database seems to be under rebuild. Trying again later.") exit() if matching_content is None: print( "ERROR: Couldn't find content entry for '" + filename + "' in database.") reject_file( filepath, 'missing_database_record', "File name: " + filepath) return if matching_content.category == 'audio': # create preview audio = AudioSegment.from_file(filepath) result = create_preview(audio, previews_filepath) if not result: print("ERROR: '" + filename + "' couldn't be previewed.") return # create excerpt result = create_excerpt(audio, excerpts_filepath) if not result: print( "ERROR: No excerpt could be cut out of '" + filename + "'.") return # do a first test query on the EchoPrint server (2nd one after ingest) score = 0 track_id_from_test_query = None similiar_artist = '' similiar_track = '' # create fingerprint from audio file # using echoprint-codegen and relate to the score print('-' * 80) print("test query with excerpt file " + excerpts_filepath) try: proc = subprocess.Popen(["echoprint-codegen", excerpts_filepath], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) except OSError: print( "Error: Unable to find echoprint-codegen executable in exe " "path." ) return json_meta_fp = str(proc.communicate()[0], "utf-8") fpcode_pos = json_meta_fp.find('"code":') if fpcode_pos > 0 and len(json_meta_fp) > 80: print( "Got from codegen:" + json_meta_fp[:fpcode_pos+40] + "....." + json_meta_fp[-40:]) meta_fp = json.loads(json_meta_fp) try: query_request = requests.get( ECHOPRINT_URL + "/query?fp_code=" + meta_fp[0]['code'], verify=False, # TODO: remove when cert. is updated ) except Exception as e: raise e print( "ERROR: '" + excerpts_filepath_relative + "' couldn't be test-queried on the EchoPrint server.") return print print( "Server response: ", query_request.status_code, query_request.reason) print print( "Body: " + (query_request.text[:500] + '...' + query_request.text[-1500:] if len(query_request.text) > 2000 else query_request.text) ) if query_request.status_code != 200: print( "ERROR: '" + srcdir + "' cloudn't be test-queried on the EchoPrint server.") else: qresult = json.loads(query_request.text) score = qresult['score'] if qresult['match']: track_id_from_test_query = ( qresult['track_id'][:8] + '-' + qresult['track_id'][8:12] + '-' + qresult['track_id'][12:16] + '-' + qresult['track_id'][16:] ) # TODO: get these two from the creation table: if 'artist' in qresult.keys(): similiar_artist = qresult['artist'] if 'track' in qresult.keys(): similiar_track = qresult['track'] else: print("Got from codegen:" + json_meta_fp) # check and update content processing status, # save some pydub metadata to database if matching_content.processing_state != 'uploaded': print( "WARNING: File '" + filename + "' in the uploaded folder had status '" + matching_content.processing_state + "'.") matching_content.processing_state = 'previewed' matching_content.processing_hostname = HOSTNAME matching_content.path = filepath.replace( STORAGE_BASE_PATH + os.sep, '') # relative path matching_content.preview_path = previews_filepath matching_content.length = int(audio.duration_seconds) matching_content.channels = int(audio.channels) matching_content.sample_rate = int(audio.frame_rate) matching_content.sample_width = int(audio.sample_width * 8) matching_content.pre_ingest_excerpt_score = score if track_id_from_test_query: most_similar_content = trytonAccess.get_content_by_filename( track_id_from_test_query) if most_similar_content is None: print( "ERROR: Couldn't find content entry " + "of most similar content for '" + filename + "' in database. EchoPrint server seems " + "out of sync with database." ) else: matching_content.most_similiar_content = most_similar_content matching_content.most_similiar_artist = similiar_artist matching_content.most_similiar_track = similiar_track # read metadata from file try: # to append the extension from the original filename temporarily, # because taglib # isn't smart enough to process files without the proper extension filepath_plus_extension = filepath + os.path.splitext([1] os.rename(filepath, filepath_plus_extension) try: song = taglib.File(filepath_plus_extension) if song.tags: if "ARTIST" in song.tags and song.tags["ARTIST"][0]: matching_content.metadata_artist = song.tags[ "ARTIST"][0] if "TITLE" in song.tags and song.tags["TITLE"][0]: matching_content.metadata_title = song.tags["TITLE"][ 0] if "ALBUM" in song.tags and song.tags["ALBUM"][0]: matching_content.metadata_release = song.tags["ALBUM"][ 0] if "TDOR" in song.tags and song.tags["TDOR"][0]: matching_content.metadata_release_date = song.tags[ "TDOR"][0] if ( "TRACKNUMBER" in song.tags and song.tags["TRACKNUMBER"][0] ): matching_content.metadata_track_number = song.tags[ "TRACKNUMBER"][0] except OSError: print( "WARNING: taglib couldn't extract any metadata from file '" + filepath_plus_extension + "' " ) try: os.rename(filepath_plus_extension, filepath) except IOError: print( "ERROR: File '" + filepath_plus_extension + "' in the uploaded folder that was temporarily " + "renamed to have a file extension " + "to retrieve metadata from it couldn't be renamed back") except IOError as e: print(e) print( "WARNING: File '" + filename + "' in the uploaded folder couldn't be renamed " + "temproarily to retrieve metadata from it") # song.tags # check it the audio format is much too bad even for 8bit enthusiasts reason_details = '' if audio.frame_rate < 11025: reason_details = ( 'Invalid frame rate of ' + str(int(audio.frame_rate)) + ' Hz') if audio.sample_width < 1: # less than one byte? is this even possible? :-p reason_details = ( 'Invalid sample rate of ' + str(int(audio.sample_width * 8)) + ' bits') if reason_details != '': reject_file(filepath, 'format_error', reason_details) return # move file to previewed directory if move_file(filepath, destdir + os.sep + filename) is False: print( "ERROR: '" + filename + "' couldn't be moved to '" + destdir + "'.") return
[docs] def get_segments(audio): """ Yields the segments back to the caller one by one. """ _total = len(audio) _segment = _preview_segment_duration _interval = _preview_segment_interval if _segment >= _total: yield audio else: start = 0 end = _segment while end < _total: yield audio[start:end] start = end + _interval + 1 end = start + _segment
[docs] def create_preview(audio, preview_path): """ mix a cool audio preview file with low quality """ # convert to mono mono = audio.set_channels(1) # mix segments preview = None for segment in get_segments(mono): preview = segment if not preview else preview.append( segment, crossfade=_preview_segment_crossfade ) # fade in/out preview = preview.fade_in(_preview_fadein).fade_out(_preview_fadeout) # export ok_return = True try: preview.export( preview_path, format=_preview_format, parameters=[ "-aq", _preview_quality, "-ar", _preview_samplerate ] ) except Exception: ok_return = False return ok_return and os.path.isfile(preview_path)
[docs] def create_excerpt(audio, excerpt_path): """ well, as the functin name says... """ # convert to mono # mono = audio.set_channels(1) # this was for experimenting with different code lengths: # for exlen in range(1000, 61000, 1000): # # cut out one minute from the middle of the file # if len(audio) > exlen: # excerpt_center = len(audio) / 2 # excerpt_start = excerpt_center - exlen/2 # excerpt_end = excerpt_center + exlen/2 # audio2 = audio[excerpt_start:excerpt_end] # # # export # ok_return = True # try: # audio2.export( # excerpt_path+"-"+str(int(exlen/1000))+".wav", # format=_excerpt_format, # parameters=[ # "-aq", _excerpt_quality, # "-ar", _excerpt_samplerate # ] # ) # except: # ok_return = False # cut out one minute from the middle of the file if len(audio) > 60000: excerpt_center = len(audio) / 2 excerpt_start = excerpt_center - 30000 excerpt_end = excerpt_center + 30000 audio = audio[excerpt_start:excerpt_end] # export ok_return = True try: audio.export( excerpt_path, format=_excerpt_format, parameters=[ "-aq", _excerpt_quality, "-ar", _excerpt_samplerate ] ) except Exception: ok_return = False return ok_return and os.path.isfile(excerpt_path)
[docs] def checksum_audiofile(srcdir, destdir, filename): """ Hashing a single file. """ filepath = os.path.join(srcdir, filename) statinfo = os.stat(filepath) filelength = statinfo.st_size bufsize = 65536 sha256 = hashlib.sha256() with open(filepath, 'rb') as filetohash: while True: data = if not data: break sha256.update(data) print( "SHA256 of file {0}: {1}".format( filename, sha256.hexdigest()) ) # TO DO: # check for duplicate checksums in database # and possibly issue a 'checksum_collision' # find content in database from filename matching_content = trytonAccess.get_content_by_filename(filename) if matching_content is None: print( "ERROR: Orphaned file " + filename + " (no DB entry) -- please clean up!") return # shouldn't happen # write checksum to file '<UUID>.checksum' checksumfile = open(srcdir + os.sep + filename + '.checksum', 'w+') checksumfile.write(sha256.__class__.__name__ + ':' + sha256.hexdigest()) checksumfile.close() # move file to checksummed directory if move_file(filepath, destdir + os.sep + filename) is False: print( "ERROR: '" + filename + "' couldn't be moved to '" + destdir + "'." ) return # check and update content processing status if (matching_content.processing_state != 'previewed' and matching_content.category == 'audio'): print( "WARNING: File '" + filename + "' in the previewed folder had status '" + matching_content.processing_state + "'.") if (matching_content.processing_state != 'previewed' and matching_content.processing_state != 'uploaded' and matching_content.category == 'sheet'): print( "WARNING: File '" + filename + "' in the previewed folder had status '" + matching_content.processing_state + "'.") matching_content.processing_state = 'checksummed' matching_content.processing_hostname = HOSTNAME matching_content.path = filepath.replace( STORAGE_BASE_PATH + os.sep, '') # relative path # save sha256 to database matching_checksums = [ x for x in matching_content.checksums if ( x.begin == 0 and x.end == filelength ) ] if len(matching_checksums) == 0: # create a checksum Checksum = Model.get('checksum') checksum_to_use = Checksum() matching_content.checksums.append(checksum_to_use) elif len(matching_checksums) > 1: # shouldn't happen print( "WARNING: More than one whole file checksum entry " + "in the database for '" + filename + "'. Please clean up the mess! Using the first one.") else: checksum_to_use = matching_checksums[0] # just one found: use it! checksum_to_use.code = sha256.hexdigest() checksum_to_use.timestamp = checksum_to_use.algorithm = sha256.__class__.__name__ checksum_to_use.begin = 0 checksum_to_use.end = filelength
[docs] def fingerprint_audiofile(srcdir, destdir, filename): """ Audiofingerprint a single file. Comes along with metadata lookup and store it on the EchoPrint server. """ filepath = os.path.join(srcdir, filename) # get track_id and metadata from the creation via content table matching_content = trytonAccess.get_content_by_filename(filename) if matching_content is None: return if matching_content.category == 'audio': # already metadata present in creation? # then put it on the EchoPrint server rightaway artist = '' title = '' release = '' matching_creation = trytonAccess.get_creation_by_content( matching_content) if matching_creation: artist = title = matching_creation.title if matching_creation.releases: release = matching_creation.releases[0].title if artist == '': artist = 'DummyFiFaFu' if title == '': title = 'DummyFiFaFu' if release == '': release = 'DummyFiFaFu' # create fringerprint from audio file using echoprint-codegen print('-' * 80) print("processing file " + filepath) proc = subprocess.Popen( ["echoprint-codegen", filepath], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) json_meta_fp = proc.communicate()[0] fpcode_pos = json_meta_fp.find('"code":') if fpcode_pos > 0 and len(json_meta_fp) > 80: print( "Got from codegen:" + json_meta_fp[:fpcode_pos+40] + "....." + json_meta_fp[-40:] ) else: print( "Got from codegen:" + json_meta_fp) reject_file( filepath, 'no_fingerprint', "Got from codegen:" + json_meta_fp) return meta_fp = json.loads(json_meta_fp) # TO DO: More sanity checks with possible no_fingerprint rejection # save fingerprint to echoprint server data = { 'track_id': filename.replace('-', ''), # '-' reserved for fp segment 'token': ECHOPRINT_CONFIG['token'], 'fp_code': meta_fp[0]['code'].encode('utf8'), 'artist': artist, 'release': release, 'track': title, 'length': int(matching_content.length), 'codever': str(meta_fp[0]['metadata']['version']), } json_data = json.dumps(data) fpcode_pos = json_data.find('"fp":') if ECHOPRINT_CONFIG['token']: json_data_pwhidden = json_data[-200:].replace( ECHOPRINT_CONFIG['token'], 9*'*') else: json_data_pwhidden = json_data if fpcode_pos > 0 and len(json_data_pwhidden) > 250: print( "Ingesting to server: " + json_data_pwhidden[:fpcode_pos+40] + "....." + json_data_pwhidden[-200:] ) else: print("Ingesting to server: " + json_data_pwhidden) print() try: ingest_request = ECHOPRINT_URL + "/ingest", data, verify=False, # TO DO: remove when certificate is updated ) except Exception as e: reject_file( filepath, 'no_fingerprint', ( # TODO think about a better message... "Could not be sent to EchoPrint server " + "response code (server offline?). Note: %s" % e ) ) print( "ERROR: '" + srcdir + "' cloudn't be ingested into the EchoPrint server." ) return print() print( "Server response:", ingest_request.status_code, ingest_request.reason ) print() if (len(ingest_request.text) > 2000): print( "Body: " + ingest_request.text[:500] + '...' + ingest_request.text[-1500:] ) else: print( "Body: " + ingest_request.text ) if ingest_request.status_code != 200: reject_file( filepath, 'no_fingerprint', ( "Could not be sent to EchoPrint server response code " + str(ingest_request.status_code) + ': ' + ingest_request.reason ) ) print( "ERROR: '" + srcdir + "' cloudn't be ingested into the EchoPrint server. " + "File rejected.") return # do a 2nd test query on the EchoPrint server # (1st was before ingest, during preview) score = 0 track_id_from_test_query = '' # similiar_artist = '' # similiar_track = '' # make sure previews and excerpts paths exist content_base_path = FILEHANDLING_CONFIG['content_base_path'] if ensure_path_exists(content_base_path) is None: print( "ERROR: '" + content_base_path + "' couldn't be created as content base path." ) return excerpts_path = FILEHANDLING_CONFIG['excerpts_path'] if ( ensure_path_exists(excerpts_path) is None ): print( "ERROR: '" + excerpts_path + "' couldn't be created for excerpts." ) return # create excerpt paths with filenames excerpts_filepath_relative = os.path.join(excerpts_path, filename) excerpts_filepath = os.path.join( content_base_path, excerpts_filepath_relative ) # create fringerprint from audio file # using echoprint-codegen and relate to the score print('-' * 80) print("test query with excerpt file " + excerpts_filepath) proc = subprocess.Popen( ["echoprint-codegen", excerpts_filepath], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) json_meta_fp = proc.communicate()[0] fpcode_pos = json_meta_fp.find('"code":') if fpcode_pos > 0 and len(json_meta_fp) > 80: print( "Got from codegen:" + json_meta_fp[:fpcode_pos+40] + "....." + json_meta_fp[-40:]) meta_fp = json.loads(json_meta_fp) try: query_request = requests.get( ECHOPRINT_URL + "/query?fp_code=" + meta_fp[0]['code'].encode('utf8'), verify=False, # TO DO: remove when cert. is updated ) except Exception: print( "ERROR: '" + excerpts_filepath_relative + "' cloudn't be test-queried on the EchoPrint server.") return print() print( "Server response: ", query_request.status_code, query_request.reason) print() print( "Body: " + (query_request.text[:500] + '...' + query_request.text[-1500:] if len(query_request.text) > 2000 else query_request.text) ) if query_request.status_code != 200: print( "ERROR: '" + srcdir + "' cloudn't be test-queried on the EchoPrint server.") else: qresult = json.loads(query_request.text) score = qresult['score'] if qresult['match']: track_id_from_test_query = ( qresult['track_id'][:8] + '-' + qresult['track_id'][8:12] + '-' + qresult['track_id'][12:16] + '-' + qresult['track_id'][16:]) # similiar_artist = qresult['artist'] # similiar_track = qresult['track'] else: print("Got from codegen:" + json_meta_fp) # check and update content processing state if matching_content.processing_state != 'checksummed': print( "WARNING: File '" + filename + "' in the checksummed folder had status '" + matching_content.processing_state + "'.") matching_content.processing_state = 'fingerprinted' matching_content.processing_hostname = HOSTNAME matching_content.path = filepath.replace( STORAGE_BASE_PATH + os.sep, '') # relative path matching_content.post_ingest_excerpt_score = score if track_id_from_test_query: most_similar_content = trytonAccess.get_content_by_filename( track_id_from_test_query) if most_similar_content is None: print( "ERROR: Couldn't find content entry " + "of most similar content for '" + filename + "' in database. EchoPrint server seems " + "out of sync with database.") reject_file( filepath, 'missing_database_record', "File name: " + filepath) else: if ( track_id_from_test_query == matching_content.most_similiar_content.uuid ): matching_content.pre_ingest_excerpt_score = 0 # TO DO: user access control FingerprintLog = Model.get('content.fingerprintlog') new_logentry = FingerprintLog() user = Model.get('res.user') matching_users = user.find(['login', '=', 'admin']) if not matching_users: return new_logentry.user = matching_users[0] new_logentry.content = matching_content new_logentry.timestamp = new_logentry.fingerprinting_algorithm = 'EchoPrint' if fpcode_pos > 0 and len(json_meta_fp) > 80: new_logentry.fingerprinting_version = str( meta_fp[0]['metadata']['version']) else: new_logentry.fingerprinting_version = ( "unknown (check if echoprint access token was set properly!)") new_logentry.entity_origin = 'direct' Party = Model.get('') party = Party.find(['name', '=', 'C3S SCE'])[0] new_logentry.entity_creator = party # TO DO: check newly ingested fingerprint using the excerpt # Response codes: # 0 = NOT_ENOUGH_CODE, # 1 = CANNOT_DECODE, # 2 = SINGLE_BAD_MATCH, # 3 = SINGLE_GOOD_MATCH, # 4 = NO_RESULTS, # 5 = MULTIPLE_GOOD_MATCH_HISTOGRAM_INCREASED, # 6 = MULTIPLE_GOOD_MATCH_HISTOGRAM_DECREASED, # 7 = MULTIPLE_BAD_HISTOGRAM_MATCH, # 8 = MULTIPLE_GOOD_MATCH # move file to fingerprinted directory if move_file(filepath, destdir + os.sep + filename) is False: print( "ERROR: '" + filepath + "' couldn't be moved to '" + destdir + os.sep + filename + "'.") return
[docs] def drop_audiofile(srcdir, destdir, filename): """ Does nothing but setting the processing step from fingerprinted to dropped. """ filepath = os.path.join(srcdir, filename) # find content in database from filename matching_content = trytonAccess.get_content_by_filename(filename) if matching_content is None: print( "ERROR: Orphaned file " + filename + " (no DB entry) -- rejecting!") reject_file( filepath, 'missing_database_record', "There was no content database record for " + filename) return # shouldn't normally happen # move file to checksummed directory if move_file(filepath, destdir + os.sep + filename) is False: print( "ERROR: '" + filename + "' couldn't be moved to '" + destdir + "'.") return # overwrite file content with its filename # (so it generates different hash values) if FILEHANDLING_CONFIG['disembody_dropped_files'] == 'yes': overwritefile = open(destdir + os.sep + filename, 'w+') if (overwritefile is not None): overwritefile.write(filename) overwritefile.close() # check and update content processing status if (matching_content.processing_state != 'fingerprinted' and matching_content.category == 'audio'): print( "WARNING: File '" + filename + "' in the fingerprinted folder had status '" + matching_content.processing_state + "'.") if (matching_content.processing_state != 'fingerprinted' and matching_content.processing_state != 'checksummed' and matching_content.category == 'sheet'): print( "WARNING: File '" + filename + "' in the fingerprinted folder had status '" + matching_content.processing_state + "'.") matching_content.processing_state = 'dropped' matching_content.processing_hostname = HOSTNAME matching_content.path = filepath.replace( STORAGE_BASE_PATH + os.sep, '') # relative path
# --- Helper functions ---
[docs] def directory_walker(processing_step_func, args): """ Walks through the specified directory tree. Applies the specified repertoire processing step for each file. Example: directory_walker(fingerprint_audiofile, (sourcedir, destdir)) """ startpath = args[0] destdir = args[1] processing_message = "Processing " + startpath processing_did_some_work = False if ensure_path_exists(destdir) is None: print( "ERROR: '" + destdir + "' couldn't be created.") return uuid4rule = ( '^[0-9A-F]{8}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[4][0-9A-F]{3}' '-[89AB][0-9A-F]{3}-[0-9A-F]{12}$') uuid4hex = re.compile(uuid4rule, re.I) for root, _, files in os.walk(startpath): level = root.replace(startpath, '').count(os.sep) if level == 1: for audiofile in files: if uuid4hex.match(audiofile) is not None: # only uuid4 compilant filenames destsubdir = root.replace(args[0], destdir) if ensure_path_exists(destsubdir) is None: # ensure user subfolder exists print( "ERROR: '" + destdir + "' couldn't be created.") continue # lock file try: audiofilepath = os.path.join(root, audiofile) lockfilename = audiofilepath + '.lock' lockfile = open(lockfilename, 'w+') fcntl.flock(lockfile, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) # after successful locking, # make sure the audiofile is still there ... if os.path.isfile(audiofilepath): # ... and process file print(processing_message) processing_did_some_work = True processing_step_func(root, destsubdir, audiofile) # unlock file fcntl.flock(lockfile, fcntl.LOCK_UN) lockfile.close() # try: os.remove(lockfilename) # except OSError: # pass except IOError: print("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX") print("LOCKED: " + audiofile) # pass finally: if lockfile: lockfile.close() if processing_did_some_work: print("Finished processing " + startpath)
[docs] def move_file(source, target): """ Moves a file from one path to another. """ # check file if not os.path.isfile(source): return False if os.path.isfile(target): return False # move file try: # shutil.copyfile(source, target) # shutil.copyfile(source + ".checksums", target + ".checksums") # os.remove(source) # os.remove(source + ".checksums") # print "Moving files " + source + "* to " + target + "*." if os.path.isfile(source + ".checksums"): os.rename(source + ".checksums", target + ".checksums") if os.path.isfile(source + ".checksum"): os.rename(source + ".checksum", target + ".checksum") os.rename(source, target) # suppose we only have one mounted filesystem except IOError as e: print(e) return os.path.isfile(target) and not os.path.isfile(source)
[docs] def ensure_path_exists(path): """ If path doesn't exist, create directory. """ if not os.path.exists(path): try: os.makedirs(path) except IOError: pass return os.path.exists(path)
[docs] def reject_file(source, reason, reason_details): """ Moves a file to the 'rejected' folder and writes the reject reason to the database. """ # check file if not os.path.isfile(source): return False storage_base_path = FILEHANDLING_CONFIG['storage_base_path'] if ensure_path_exists(storage_base_path) is None: print( "ERROR: '" + storage_base_path + "' couldn't be created as content base path.") return rejected_path = FILEHANDLING_CONFIG['rejected_path'] if ensure_path_exists(rejected_path) is None: print( "ERROR: '" + rejected_path + "' couldn't be created for rejected files.") return filename = os.sep.join( source.rsplit(os.sep, 2)[-2:]) # get user-id/filename from source path rejected_filepath_relative = os.path.join( rejected_path, filename) rejected_filepath = os.path.join( storage_base_path, rejected_filepath_relative) move_file(source, rejected_filepath) # TODO: cleanup possible preview and excerpt files # find content in database from filename slash_pos = filename.find(os.sep) if slash_pos > 0: matching_content = trytonAccess.get_content_by_filename( filename[slash_pos+1:]) else: matching_content = trytonAccess.get_content_by_filename(filename) if matching_content is None: # print( # "ERROR: Couldn't find content entry for '" + # rejected_filepath_relative + # "' in database. But no problem: " + # "I'm about to reject the file anyway...") pass return # check and update content processing status, # save some pydub metadata to database matching_content.processing_state = 'rejected' matching_content.processing_hostname = HOSTNAME matching_content.path = rejected_filepath_relative matching_content.rejection_reason = reason matching_content.rejection_reason_details = reason_details
# --- Click Commands --- def repro(): """ Repertoire Processor command line tool. """ @repro.command('preview') # @click.pass_context def preview(): """ Get files from uploaded_path and creates a low quality audio snippet of it. """ directory_walker( preview_audiofile, ( os.path.join(STORAGE_BASE_PATH, FILEHANDLING_CONFIG['uploaded_path']), os.path.join(STORAGE_BASE_PATH, FILEHANDLING_CONFIG['previewed_path']) ) ) @repro.command('checksum') # @click.pass_context def checksum(): """ Get files from previewed_path and hash them. """ directory_walker( checksum_audiofile, ( os.path.join(STORAGE_BASE_PATH, FILEHANDLING_CONFIG['previewed_path']), os.path.join(STORAGE_BASE_PATH, FILEHANDLING_CONFIG['checksummed_path']) ) ) @repro.command('fingerprint') # @click.pass_context def fingerprint(): """ Get files from checksummed_path and fingerprint them. """ directory_walker( fingerprint_audiofile, ( os.path.join(STORAGE_BASE_PATH, FILEHANDLING_CONFIG['checksummed_path']), os.path.join(STORAGE_BASE_PATH, FILEHANDLING_CONFIG['fingerprinted_path']))) @repro.command('drop') # @click.pass_context def drop(): """ Get files from fingerprinted_path and 'drop' them for archiving. This command does nothing with the files and is rather a mere abstraction in case there will at some point be another processing step after fingerprint. """ directory_walker( drop_audiofile, ( os.path.join(STORAGE_BASE_PATH, FILEHANDLING_CONFIG['fingerprinted_path']), os.path.join(STORAGE_BASE_PATH, FILEHANDLING_CONFIG['dropped_path']))) @repro.command('delete') # @click.pass_context def delete(): """ delete a fingerprint from the echoprint server """ # utilizations = Model.get('creation.utilisation.imp') # result = utilizations.find(['title', "=", "999,999"]) # if not result: # sys.exit() # code = result.fingerprint url = ECHOPRINT_URL + "/delete" var_id = "track_id" track = "TRWIZHB123E858D912" query_request =, data={var_id: track}, verify=False) print("status code: " + str(query_request.status_code) + " -- " + query_request.reason) @repro.command('all') @click.pass_context def all(ctx): """ Apply all processing steps. Looks for new files to be previed after each processing step. """ ctx.invoke(preview) ctx.invoke(checksum) ctx.invoke(preview) ctx.invoke(fingerprint) ctx.invoke(drop) ctx.invoke(preview) @repro.command('loop') @click.pass_context def loop(ctx): """ Apply all processing steps in an endless loop. """ while True: ctx.invoke(all) time_to_wait_between_cycles = 10 print( 'Waiting for ' + str(time_to_wait_between_cycles) + 'seconds...') time.sleep(time_to_wait_between_cycles) print('entering new processing cycle')
[docs] def connect_db(): """ get access to database """ max_tries = 3 tries = 0 # As XMLRPC has no disconnect method (should be stateless), but leaves # a connection to postgres open, the postgres backend has to # disconnect them via pg_terminate_backend in order to be able to drop # the database (testing). # The proteus config on the other hand seems to cache some connection # data, as the first connection results in an unauthorized error, so # a second try has to be added. while tries < max_tries: SCHEMA = "https" if os.environ.get('ENVIRONMENT') in ['development', 'testing']: SCHEMA = "http" try: config.set_xmlrpc( SCHEMA + "://" + PROTEUS_CONFIG['user'] + ":" + PROTEUS_CONFIG['password'] + "@" + PROTEUS_CONFIG['host'] + ":" + PROTEUS_CONFIG['port'] + "/" + PROTEUS_CONFIG['database'] + "/" ) break except Exception as e: tries += 1 if tries == max_tries: exit( "Database connection could not be established " "(yet), skipping file processing ... %s" % e) time.sleep(1)
if __name__ == '__main__': # ensure storage path if ensure_path_exists(STORAGE_BASE_PATH) is None: print( "ERROR: '" + STORAGE_BASE_PATH + "' couldn't be created as storage base path.") exit() # connect db connect_db() # execute repro repro()