Source code for collecting_society_worker.fileTools

#!/usr/bin/env python
# For copyright and license terms, see COPYRIGHT.rst (top level of repository)
# Repository:

The one and only C3S tools for filehandling of repertoire files or similar

import subprocess
import re
import hashlib
# import trytonAccess

[docs] def get_rel_path(line, base_path): result_line = re.sub(base_path, "", line) return result_line
[docs] def get_filename(filepath): slashpos = filepath.rfind("/") return filepath[slashpos+1:]
[docs] def get_path_only(filepath): slashpos = filepath.rfind("/") return filepath[:slashpos-1]
[docs] def checksum_correct(host_ssh, directory, filename): filepath = directory + "/" + filename # read checksum from object and file contents to compare # matching_content = trytonAccess.get_content_by_filename(filename) bufsize = 65536 sha256 = hashlib.sha256() # when file is on remote host if host_ssh != "": try: subprocess.check_output(["ssh", host_ssh, "cat " + filepath]) except Exception: print("file could not be checked") return False else: # TODO handle remote file's content # data = # sha256.update(data) checksum = (subprocess.check_output(["ssh", host_ssh, "cat " + filepath + ".checksum"])) else: # generate checksum from file with open(filepath, 'rb') as filetohash: while True: data = if not data: break sha256.update(data) open(directory + "/" + filename + ".checksum", "r") # checksum = print checkf # compare newhash_matches_checksum = (sha256.hexdigest() == checksum) # TODO compare with hash from obj db, too return newhash_matches_checksum
[docs] def is_checksum_file(filename): if filename.endswith(".checksum") or filename.endswith(".checksums"): return True