Source code for collecting_society_worker.archive_proc

#!/usr/bin/env python
# For copyright and license terms, see COPYRIGHT.rst (top level of repository)
# Repository:

"""The one and only C3S archive processing utility"""

import os
import subprocess
import socket
import configparser

    import trytonAccess
    import fileTools
except Exception:
    from . import trytonAccess
    from . import fileTools

# --- read config from .ini
CONFIGURATION = configparser.ConfigParser()
        '..', 'config.ini'))
pconf = dict(CONFIGURATION.items('proteus'))
aconf = dict(CONFIGURATION.items('archivehandling'))
HOSTNAME = socket.gethostname()

    srchost_ssh = (aconf['srcuser'] + ":" + aconf['srcpw'] + "@"
                   + aconf['srchost'])
    desthost_ssh = (aconf['destuser'] + ":" + aconf['destpw'] + "@"
                    + aconf['desthost'])
    srcdir_closed = aconf['srcdir'] + ".closed"
except KeyError as e:
    print("Please edit [archivehandling] section in your config.ini: '%s'"
          % str(e))

# print("Archiving...")

[docs] class ArchProc(): def _remote_path_exists(self, host_ssh, path): if["ssh", host_ssh, "[ -d " + path + " ]"]) == 0: return True def _list_files(self, host_ssh, directory): """determines files on specific host in specific dir""" if self._remote_path_exists(host_ssh, directory): lines = (subprocess.check_output(["ssh", host_ssh, "find " + directory + "/ -type f -name \*"])) # noqa: W605 return lines def _archive_filebunch(self, filename): """rsync all files from source to destination host""" srcfiles = [filename, filename + ".checksum", filename + ".checksums"] rs = 0 for f in srcfiles:["ssh", desthost_ssh, "mkdir", "-p", aconf['destdir'] + "/" + f[:1]])["ssh", desthost_ssh, "mkdir", "-p", aconf['destdir'] + "/" + f[:1] + "/" + f[1:2]]) rsf = (["rsync", srchost_ssh + ":" + srcdir_closed + "/" + f, desthost_ssh + ":" + aconf['destdir'] + "/" + f[:1] + "/" + f[1:2] + "/"])) rs = rs + rsf return rs def _delete_src_filebunch(self, filename): srcfiles = [filename, filename + ".checksum", filename + ".checksums"] for f in srcfiles: (["ssh", srchost_ssh, "rm", srcdir_closed + "/" + f]))
[docs] def start_proc(self): trytonAccess.connect(pconf) # get single full paths of sourcefiles as list lines = self._list_files(srchost_ssh, aconf['srcdir']) filepaths = lines.split() # create .closed dir on source host if not exists["ssh", srchost_ssh, "mkdir -p " + srcdir_closed]) # move files to .closed folder on source host for filepath in filepaths: filename = fileTools.get_filename(filepath) (["ssh", srchost_ssh, "mv", filepath, srcdir_closed + "/" + filename])) # rsync files to archive and delete them from .closed dir on source # host when checksums are correct lines = self._list_files(srchost_ssh, srcdir_closed) filepaths = lines.split() for filepath in filepaths: print('[path] %s' % (filepath)) filename = fileTools.get_filename(filepath) result = -1 # get 'real files', which are not checksum files if not fileTools.is_checksum_file(filename): print('[filename] %s' % (filename)) chks = fileTools.checksum_correct(srchost_ssh, srcdir_closed, filename) objs = (trytonAccess.get_obj_state(filename) == "dropped") print('[DEBUG] chks is: %s' % (chks)) print('[DEBUG] objs is: %s' % (objs)) # TODO: test success depending on these results if chks and objs: result = self._archive_filebunch(filename) else: # move incorrect files to "unknown" folder and set state to # "unknown" # TODO: move files # set_content_unknown(filename) pass if result == 0: self._delete_src_filebunch(filename) # set archive flag in db if archiving was successful for filepath in filepaths: filename = fileTools.get_filename(filepath) if not fileTools.is_checksum_file(filename): chks = fileTools.checksum_correct(srchost_ssh, srcdir_closed, filename)
# if chks: # # set state to "archived" # matching_content = # trytonAccess.get_content_by_filename(filename) # matching_content.processing_state = "archived" # # TODO insert archiving target name instead of "Archive" # matching_content.archive = "Archive" # # else: # # move incorrect files to "unknown" folder and set state # # to "unknown" # # TODO: move files # todo = "TODO" # set_content_unknown(filename)