Source code for collecting_society_web.views.widgets.unprocessed_content

# For copyright and license terms, see COPYRIGHT.rst (top level of repository)
# Repository:

from ...models import Content
from portal_web.models import WebUser

from import _

[docs] class UnprocessedContentWidget(): def __init__(self, request, category='all'): party = WebUser.current_web_user(request).party content_count = Content.search_unprocessed(party, category) self.content_count = content_count and len(content_count) or 0 self.category = category
[docs] def condition(self): return self.content_count
[docs] def icon(self): return "glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign"
[docs] def header(self): return _("Unprocessed Files")
[docs] def description(self): return _("Number of files that are enqueued for processing by our " "servers. There is nothing you can do but wait. Processing " "can take anything from under a minute to several hours " "depending on server loads. Please come back later to see " "if we are finished processing your files.")
[docs] def badge(self): return self.content_count