Source code for collecting_society_web.views.widgets.service_info

# For copyright and license terms, see COPYRIGHT.rst (top level of repository)
# Repository:

import os

from pyramid.renderers import render

from import _

[docs] class ServiceInfoWidget(): def __init__(self, request): self.template = '../../templates/widgets/' self.branch = os.environ.get("BRANCH") self.environment = os.environ.get("ENVIRONMENT") = os.environ.get("BUILD")
[docs] def title(self): return _("Portal")
[docs] def subtitle(self): if self.branch == "production": return False return self.branch
[docs] def subtitle_note(self): if self.branch == "production": return False if self.branch == "staging": return "build %s" % return "environment: %s" % self.environment
[docs] def description(self): return _( "Welcome on the user portal of C3S. This service enables " "licensers to register their artists, creations and releases, and " "licensees to register their utilisations.")
[docs] def render(self): return render( self.template, { 'title': self.title(), 'subtitle': self.subtitle(), 'subtitle_note': self.subtitle_note(), 'description': self.description(), })