Source code for collecting_society_web.views.widgets.missing_releases

# For copyright and license terms, see COPYRIGHT.rst (top level of repository)
# Repository:

from ...models import Artist, Content, Creation, Release

from import _

[docs] class MissingReleasesWidget(): def __init__(self, request, category='all'): content_count = Content.current_viewable(request) artist_count = Artist.current_editable(request) creation_count = Creation.current_viewable(request) release_count = Release.current_viewable(request) self.artist_count = artist_count and len(artist_count) or 0 self.content_count = content_count and len(content_count) or 0 self.creation_count = creation_count and len(creation_count) or 0 self.release_count = release_count and len(release_count) or 0 self.category = category
[docs] def condition(self): # only show if artists, content files, and creations have already # been created but releases haven't been created yet return (self.artist_count > 0 and self.content_count > 0 and self.creation_count > 0 and self.release_count == 0)
[docs] def icon(self): return "glyphicon glyphicon-cd"
[docs] def header(self): return _("Missing Releases")
[docs] def description(self): return _("You didn't create any releases yet. Please do so using the " "menu on the left side. Releases are generally collections " "of creations that have been made available to the public. " "Sometimes only one creation is part of a release (called a " "'single'). Creations are organized on a release using track " "numbers and medium numbers. Note that you may use " "track titles that differ from the genuine creation title.")
[docs] def badge(self): return self.release_count