Source code for collecting_society_web.views.forms.edit_creation

# For copyright and license terms, see COPYRIGHT.rst (top level of repository)
# Repository:

import logging
import deform

from portal_web.models import Tdb, Country
from portal_web.views.forms import FormController

from import _
from ...models import (
from .add_creation import (

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# --- Controller --------------------------------------------------------------

[docs] class EditCreation(FormController): """ form controller for edit creation """
[docs] def controller(self): self.form = edit_creation_form(self.request) if self.submitted(): if self.validate(): self.update_creation() else: self.edit_creation() return self.response
# --- Stages -------------------------------------------------------------- # --- Conditions ---------------------------------------------------------- # --- Actions -------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def edit_creation(self): creation = self.context.creation # set appstruct self.appstruct = { 'metadata': { 'title': creation.title or '', 'artist': }, 'areas': { }, 'lyrics': { 'lyrics': creation.lyrics } } # tariff categories tcats = TariffCategory.search_all() for tcat in tcats: for creation_tcat in creation.tariff_categories: if creation_tcat.category.oid == tcat.oid: collecting_soc_oid = creation_tcat.collecting_society.oid self.appstruct['areas'][ 'tariff_category_'+tcat.code] = collecting_soc_oid break # rightsholders if creation.rights: a_rightsholders = [] for right in creation.rights: subject_mode = "add" subject_email = "" artist = right.rightsholder if Artist.is_foreign_rightsholder( self.request, right, artist): subject_mode = "edit" subject_email = a_rightsholders.append({ 'mode': 'edit', 'subject': [{ 'mode': subject_mode, 'oid': right.rightsholder.oid, 'name':, 'code': right.rightsholder.code, 'description': right.rightsholder.description or '', 'email': subject_email, }], 'rights': [{ 'mode': 'edit', 'oid': right.oid, 'type_of_right': right.type_of_right, 'contribution': right.contribution, 'instruments': [str(i.oid) for i in right.instruments], 'collecting_society': None if not right.collecting_society else right.collecting_society.oid }] }) # look for duplicate rightsholders a_rightsholders.sort(key=lambda x: x['subject'][0]['code']) i = 0 while i < len(a_rightsholders): if (i < len(a_rightsholders)-1 and # entries with same artist? a_rightsholders[i]['subject'][0]['code'] == a_rightsholders[i+1]['subject'][0]['code']): if (a_rightsholders[i+1]['rights'][0] not in a_rightsholders[i]['rights']): # same right? # merge rights of the same artist a_rightsholders[i]['rights'].append( a_rightsholders[i+1]['rights'][0]) del a_rightsholders[i+1] # delete duplicate and stay here else: # to check for another duplicate i = i + 1 # move forward if another rightsholder is found # TODO: Maybe check for duplicate instrument records an merge them # finally add rightholders to appstruct self.appstruct['rightsholders'] = { 'rightsholders': a_rightsholders } # original works, this creation is derived from if creation.original_relations: a_derivation = {'adaption': [], 'cover': [], 'remix': []} for original_relation in creation.original_relations: original_mode = "add" if ( Creation.is_foreign_original( self.request, creation, original_relation.original_creation ) ): original_mode = "edit" a_derivation[original_relation.allocation_type].append({ 'mode': original_mode, 'code': original_relation.original_creation.code, 'oid': original_relation.original_creation.oid, 'titlefield': original_relation.original_creation.title, 'artist': }) self.appstruct['derivation'] = { 'adaption': a_derivation['adaption'], 'cover': a_derivation['cover'], 'remix': a_derivation['remix'] } # content files that are assigned to the creation if creation.content: self.appstruct['content'] = {} _contentfiles = {} for contentfile in creation.content: if contentfile.category not in _contentfiles: _contentfiles[contentfile.category] = [] _contentfiles[contentfile.category].append( { 'mode': 'add', 'oid': contentfile.oid, 'code': contentfile.code, 'name': } ) for contenttype in _contentfiles.keys(): self.appstruct['content'][contenttype] = \ _contentfiles[contenttype] # render form with init data self.render(self.appstruct)
[docs] @Tdb.transaction(readonly=False) def update_creation(self): a = self.appstruct web_user = self.request.web_user party = creation = self.context.creation # (working) title if a['metadata']['title']: creation.title = a['metadata']['title'] # artist if a['metadata']['artist']: creation.artist = a['metadata']['artist'] # lyrics if a['lyrics']['lyrics']: creation.lyrics = a['lyrics']['lyrics'] # rightsholders rightsholders_current = { cr.oid: cr for cr in ['', '=',])} rightsholders_delete = set(rightsholders_current.values()) # rightsholders: merge artists # TODO: merge rightsholders_current with same rightsholder subject # within appstruct # rightsholders: merge instruments # TODO: merge instruments of rights (contribution == instrument) # within appstruct; use one right with oid, if present # rightsholders: security check, pick objects for a_rightsholder in a['rightsholders']['rightsholders']: a_subject = a_rightsholder['subject'][0] for a_right in a_rightsholder['rights']: # add objects to create if a_right['mode'] == "create" and a_right['oid'] == "IGNORED": continue # remove objects to delete if a_right['oid'] in rightsholders_current: rightsholders_delete.remove( rightsholders_current[a_right['oid']]) continue # unknown/unallowed oid log.warning( "user %s tried to edit an unknown/unallowed right oid " "%s for creation %s" % ( web_user, a_right['oid'], creation['code'])) self.request.session.flash( _("Creation edit failed: ${crct} (${crco})", mapping={'crct': creation.title, 'crco': creation.code}), 'main-alert-danger' ) self.redirect() return # prohibit duplicate rights subjects a_rho_to_remove = [] for a_rightsholder in a['rightsholders']['rightsholders']: for a_rho_to_match in a['rightsholders']['rightsholders']: if (a_rightsholder != a_rho_to_match and a_rightsholder not in a_rho_to_remove and a_rho_to_match not in a_rho_to_remove): if (a_rightsholder['subject'][0]['code'] == a_rho_to_match['subject'][0]['code']): if a_rightsholder['mode'] == 'create': a_rho_to_remove.append(a_rightsholder) else: # must be the other one that was newly created a_rho_to_remove.append(a_rho_to_match) self.request.session.flash( _("Warning: Only one rightsholder entry allowed " "for '${name}'. Entry has been removed.", mapping={ 'name': a_rightsholder['subject'][0]['code'] }), 'main-alert-warning' ) for a_rho in a_rho_to_remove: del a_rho # TODO: cover this also in a colander form validator # rightsholders: create and edit for a_rightsholder in a['rightsholders']['rightsholders']: a_subject = a_rightsholder['subject'][0] rightsholder_subject = None # create rightsholder subject if a_subject['mode'] == "create": # TODO: foreign subjects # rightsholder_subject = ... pass else: rightsholder_subject = Artist.search_by_code(a_subject['code']) # edit rightsholder subject if a_subject['mode'] == "edit": # TODO: foreign subjects pass # check for duplicate rights per rightsholder and merge instruments # a_rights_to_remove = [] # for a_right in a_rightsholder['rights']: # for a_match in a_rightsholder['rights']: # if (a_right != a_match and # a_right not in a_rho_to_remove and # a_match not in a_rho_to_remove): # if (a_right['subject'][0]['code'] == # a_match['subject'][0]['code']): # if a_right['mode'] == 'create': # a_rho_to_remove.append(a_right) # else: # must be the other one newly created # a_rho_to_remove.append(a_match) # self.request.session.flash( # _(u"Warning: Only one rightsholder entry " # "allowed for '${name}'. Entry has been " # "removed.", # mapping={ # 'name': a_rightsholder[ # 'subject'][0]['code'] # }), # 'main-alert-warning' # ) # for a_rho in a_rho_to_remove: # del a_rho for a_right in a_rightsholder['rights']: # create right if a_right['mode'] == "create": instrument_ids = [] if a_right["contribution"] == "instrument": instruments = Instrument.search_by_oids( a_right["instruments"]) instrument_ids = [ for i in instruments] new_right = { 'rightsholder':, 'rightsobject':, 'type_of_right': a_right['type_of_right'], 'contribution': a_right['contribution'], 'instruments': [('add', instrument_ids)], 'country': Country.search_by_code('DE').id } if a_right['collecting_society']: cs_representing = CollectingSociety.search_by_oid( a_right['collecting_society']) new_right['collecting_society'] = CreationRight.create([new_right]) continue # edit right rightsholder = rightsholders_current[a_right['oid']] rightsholder.type_of_right = a_right['type_of_right'] rightsholder.rightsholder = rightsholder_subject rightsholder.rightsobject = creation rightsholder.contribution = a_right["contribution"] rightsholder.instruments = [] if rightsholder.contribution == "instrument": rightsholder.instruments = Instrument.search_by_oids( a_right["instruments"]) if a_right['collecting_society']: cs_representing = CollectingSociety.search_by_oid( a_right['collecting_society']) rightsholder.collecting_society = # = Country.search_by_code('DE').id # rightsholders: delete if rightsholders_delete: CreationRight.delete(rightsholders_delete) # look for removed originals # originals = CreationDerivative.search_originals_of_creation_by_id( # originals = creation.original_relations oids_to_preserve = [] for derivation_type in ['adaption', 'cover', 'remix']: for a_derivation in a['derivation'][derivation_type]: # sanity: already in list? then must be a dupe: only add once if a_derivation['oid'] not in oids_to_preserve: oids_to_preserve.append(a_derivation['oid']) if originals: for original in originals: # loop through database # original from db table no longer in appstruct? if original.oid not in oids_to_preserve: CreationDerivative.delete([original]) # remove it from db # add new derivative-original relations or perform edits there # relations can be of allocation type 'adaption', 'cover', or 'remix' # (objects starting with a_ relate to form data provided by appstruct) for derivation_type in ['adaption', 'cover', 'remix']: for a_derivation in a['derivation'][derivation_type]: # sanity checks if a_derivation['code'] == creation.code: # original of self? self.request.session.flash( _("Warning: A Creation cannot be the original of it " "self. If you do an adaption of a creation, you " "need to create a new creation in order to be able " "to refer to it as an original."), 'main-alert-warning' ) else: # create foreign creation if a_derivation['mode'] == 'create': original = Creation.create_foreign( party, a_derivation['artist'], a_derivation['titlefield'] ) if not original: continue else: # add creation original = Creation.search_by_oid(a_derivation['oid']) if not original: # TODO: Userfeedback continue a_original = { 'original_creation':, 'derivative_creation':, 'allocation_type': derivation_type } CreationDerivative.create([a_original]) # areas of exploitation / tariff categories / collecting societies ctcs_to_delete = [] # collect necessary operations in list ctcs_to_add = [] # to minimize number of tryton calls tcats = TariffCategory.search_all() for tcat in tcats: # for each tariff category collecting_soc_oid_new = a['areas']['tariff_category_'+tcat.code] # find changes in previously stored collectingsocieties of creation ctc_oid_old = None for creation_tcat in creation.tariff_categories: if creation_tcat.category.oid == tcat.oid: ctc_oid_old = creation_tcat.oid break # collecting society association deleted for this tariff category? if not collecting_soc_oid_new and ctc_oid_old: ctc_to_delete = CreationTariffCategory.search_by_oid( ctc_oid_old) if ctc_to_delete: ctcs_to_delete.append(ctc_to_delete) # new collecting society association for this tariff category? if collecting_soc_oid_new and not ctc_oid_old: collecting_society = CollectingSociety.search_by_oid( collecting_soc_oid_new) if collecting_society: ctcs_to_add.append({ 'creation':, 'category':, 'collecting_society': }) # collecting society association changed for this tariff category? if (collecting_soc_oid_new and ctc_oid_old and creation_tcat.collecting_society.oid != collecting_soc_oid_new): ctc_to_change = CreationTariffCategory.search_by_oid( ctc_oid_old) collecting_society = CollectingSociety.search_by_oid( collecting_soc_oid_new) if ctc_to_change and collecting_society: ctc_to_change.collecting_society = collecting_society if ctcs_to_delete: CreationTariffCategory.delete(ctcs_to_delete) if ctcs_to_add: CreationTariffCategory.create(ctcs_to_add) # content contents_to_add = [] for contenttype in self.appstruct['content'].keys(): if self.appstruct['content'][contenttype]: content_new = self.appstruct['content'][contenttype][0] content_to_add = Content.search_by_oid(content_new['oid']) if not content_to_add: continue if not content_to_add.permits(web_user, 'edit_content'): continue contents_to_add.append(content_to_add) creation.content = contents_to_add # update creation # user feedback"creation edit successful for %s: %s" % (web_user, creation)) self.request.session.flash( _("Creation edited: ${crct} (${crco})", mapping={'crct': creation.title, 'crco': creation.code}), 'main-alert-success' ) # redirect self.redirect()
# --- Validators -------------------------------------------------------------- # --- Options ----------------------------------------------------------------- # --- Widgets ----------------------------------------------------------------- # --- Fields ------------------------------------------------------------------ # --- Schemas ----------------------------------------------------------------- # --- Forms -------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def edit_creation_form(request): return deform.Form( schema=AddCreationSchema( validator=validate_content).bind(request=request), buttons=[ deform.Button('submit', _("Submit")) ] )