Source code for collecting_society_web.views.forms.datatables.creation_right_sequence

# For copyright and license terms, see COPYRIGHT.rst (top level of repository)
# Repository:

import logging

import colander
import deform

from portal_web.views.forms.datatables import (

from import _
from ....models import CreationRight, Instrument, CollectingSociety

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def prepare_ignored(value): # workaround for conditinally required fields, as form validators are not # processed, if a normal required field is missing return value if value else "IGNORED"
[docs] def prepare_required(value): # oid required for add/edit if value['mode'] != "create" and value['oid'] == "IGNORED": value['oid'] = "" return value
# --- Options ----------------------------------------------------------------- right_options = [ ('copyright', _('Copyright')), ('ancillary', _('Ancillary Copyright')) ] contribution_options = [ ('lyrics', 'Lyrics'), ('composition', 'Composition'), ('instrument', 'Instrument'), ('production', 'Production'), ('mixing', 'Mixing'), ('mastering', 'Mastering'), ] # --- Validators --------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def validate_multifield(node, values): # multifield validator """Check plausibility between fields""" # check if contributions match rights ctbr = values["contribution"] tor = values["type_of_right"] ctbr_list = CreationRight.get_contributions_by_type_of_right(tor) if (ctbr not in ctbr_list): raise colander.Invalid( node, _("Contribution type '${c}' does not apply to ${r}.", mapping={'c': ctbr, 'r': tor})) # check if collecting society represets the selected type of right sel_cs_oid = values["collecting_society"] if tor == 'copyright': cs_list = [tc.oid for tc in [("represents_copyright", "=", True)] )] else: # if tor == 'ancillary copyright': cs_list = [tc.oid for tc in [("represents_ancillary_copyright", "=", True)] )] if sel_cs_oid and sel_cs_oid not in cs_list: sel_cs = CollectingSociety.search_by_oid(sel_cs_oid) sel_cs_name = if not sel_cs_name: sel_cs_name = "Selected collecting society" raise colander.Invalid( node, _("${c} does not represent ${r}.", mapping={'c': sel_cs_name, 'r': tor}))
# --- Widgets ----------------------------------------------------------------- @colander.deferred def deferred_instrument_widget(node, kw): instruments = Instrument.search_all() inst_options = [ (inst.oid, str( for inst in instruments] # noqa: F821 widget = deform.widget.Select2Widget(values=inst_options, multiple=True) return widget @colander.deferred def collecting_society_widget(node, kw): # TODO: switch between neighboring and copyright societies according to # type_of_right collecting_societies =[]) values = [('', '')] + [(tc.oid, for tc in collecting_societies] return deform.widget.Select2Widget(values=values, placeholder=_("None")) # --- Fields ------------------------------------------------------------------ @colander.deferred def creation_right_sequence_widget(node, kw): return DatatableSequenceWidget( request=kw.get('request'), template='datatables/creation_right_sequence', item_template='datatables/creation_right_sequence_item' )
[docs] class ModeField(colander.SchemaNode): oid = "mode" schema_type = colander.String widget = deform.widget.HiddenWidget() validator = colander.OneOf( ['create', 'edit'])
[docs] class OidField(colander.SchemaNode): oid = "oid" schema_type = colander.String widget = deform.widget.HiddenWidget() preparer = [prepare_ignored] validator = colander.Any( colander.uuid, colander.Regex(r'^IGNORED\Z', '') )
[docs] class TypeOfRightField(colander.SchemaNode): oid = "type_of_right" schema_type = colander.String widget = deform.widget.Select2Widget(values=right_options, multiple=False)
[docs] class ContributionField(colander.SchemaNode): oid = "contribution" schema_type = colander.String widget = deform.widget.Select2Widget( values=contribution_options, multiple=False)
[docs] class InstrumentsField(colander.SchemaNode): oid = "instruments" schema_type = colander.Set widget = deferred_instrument_widget
[docs] class CollectingSocietyField(colander.SchemaNode): oid = "collecting_society" schema_type = colander.String widget = collecting_society_widget validator = colander.uuid missing = ""
# --- Schemas -----------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class CreationRightSchema(colander.Schema): mode = ModeField() oid = OidField() type_of_right = TypeOfRightField() contribution = ContributionField() instruments = InstrumentsField() collecting_society = CollectingSocietyField() title = ""
[docs] class CreationRightSequence(DatatableSequence): creation_right_sequence = CreationRightSchema( validator=validate_multifield) widget = creation_right_sequence_widget actions = ['create', 'edit']