Source code for collecting_society_web.views.forms.add_location

# For copyright and license terms, see COPYRIGHT.rst (top level of repository)
# Repository:

import logging
import colander
import deform

from portal_web.models import Tdb, Party, Address, Country, Subdivision
from portal_web.views.forms import FormController

from import _
from ...models import Location, LocationCategory, LocationSpaceCategory
from .datatables import LocationSpaceSequence

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class AddLocation(FormController): """ form controller for creation of locations """
[docs] def controller(self): self.form = add_location_form(self.request) self.render() if self.submitted(): if self.validate(): self.create_location() return self.response
# --- Stages -------------------------------------------------------------- # --- Conditions ---------------------------------------------------------- # --- Actions -------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @Tdb.transaction(readonly=False) def create_location(self): web_user = self.request.web_user # generate vlist location = { 'name': self.appstruct['general']['name'], 'category': self.appstruct['general']['category'], # 'party': self.appstruct['party'], 'public': self.appstruct['general']['public'], 'latitude': self.appstruct['general']['latitude'], 'longitude': self.appstruct['general']['longitude'], 'entity_creator': } party = { 'name': self.appstruct['contact']['contact_name'], 'firstname': self.appstruct['contact']['contact_first_name'], 'contact_mechanisms': [( 'create', [] )], # 'web_user': web_user, # member_c3s # member_c3s_token # artists # default_solo_artist # firstname # lastname # birthdate # repertoire_terms_accepted # oid # identifiers # legal_person 'common_public_interest': 'no' } for contact_mechanism in ['website', 'email', 'fax']: cm_value = self.appstruct['contact'][contact_mechanism] if cm_value: party['contact_mechanisms'][0][1].append( { 'type': contact_mechanism, 'value': cm_value } ) address = { 'name': self.appstruct['address']['address_name'], 'street': self.appstruct['address']['street'], 'Postal code': self.appstruct['address']['postal_code'], 'city': self.appstruct['address']['city'], 'country': self.appstruct['address']['country'] # TODO: subsection? } # spaces spaces_create = [] spaces = self.appstruct['spaces']['spaces'] if spaces: for space in spaces: if space['mode'] == "create": lsc = LocationSpaceCategory.search_by_code( space['category']) if not lsc: continue # append space if space['size_estimated']: indicator_field = 'estimated_size' else: indicator_field = 'confirmed_size' spaces_create.append({ 'name': space['name'], 'category':, indicator_field: space['size'] }) # agglomerated append actions location['spaces'] = [] if spaces_create: location['spaces'].append(('create', spaces_create)) # remove empty fields for tab in [location, party, address]: for index, value in tab.items(): if not value: del tab[index] # create location if "name" not in party: party["name"] = self.appstruct['general']['name'] party_record = Party.create([party]) if party_record: location["party"] = party_record[0].id # party is a required field if address != []: address["party"] = party_record[0].id if "name" not in address: address["name"] = self.appstruct['general']['name'] # address_record = Address.create([address]) location_record = Location.create([location]) # user feedback if not location_record: # TODO: delete party_record if location_record wasn't added"location add failed for %s: %s" % (web_user, location)) self.request.session.flash( _("Location could not be added: ${name}", mapping={'name': location['name']}), 'main-alert-danger' ) self.redirect() return location_record = location_record[0]"location add successful for %s: %s" % (web_user, location_record)) self.request.session.flash( _("Location '${name}' added. ", mapping={'name':}), 'main-alert-success' ) # redirect self.redirect()
# --- Validators -------------------------------------------------------------- # --- Options ----------------------------------------------------------------- # --- Widgets ----------------------------------------------------------------- @colander.deferred def deferred_category_widget(node, kw): cats = LocationCategory.search_all() cat_options = [ (, str( for cat in cats] # noqa: F821 widget = deform.widget.Select2Widget(values=cat_options, multiple=False) return widget @colander.deferred def deferred_country_widget(node, kw): countries = Country.search_all() country_options = [ (, str( for c in countries] # noqa: F821 widget = deform.widget.Select2Widget(values=country_options, multiple=False) return widget @colander.deferred def deferred_subdivision_widget(node, kw): subs = Subdivision.search_all() sub_options = [ (, str( for sub in subs] # noqa: F821 widget = deform.widget.Select2Widget(values=sub_options, multiple=False) return widget # --- Fields ------------------------------------------------------------------ # -- General tab --
[docs] class NameField(colander.SchemaNode): oid = "name" schema_type = colander.String
[docs] class CategoryField(colander.SchemaNode): oid = "category" schema_type = colander.String widget = deferred_category_widget
[docs] class PublicField(colander.SchemaNode): oid = "public" schema_type = colander.Boolean missing = ""
[docs] class LatitudeField(colander.SchemaNode): oid = "latitude" schema_type = colander.Float validator = colander.Range(min=-180, max=180)
[docs] class LongitudeField(colander.SchemaNode): oid = "longitude" schema_type = colander.Float validator = colander.Range(min=-180, max=180)
# -- Contact info tab --
[docs] class ContactNameField(colander.SchemaNode): oid = "contact_name" schema_type = colander.String
[docs] class ContactFirstNameField(colander.SchemaNode): oid = "contact_first_name" schema_type = colander.String missing = ""
[docs] class WebsiteField(colander.SchemaNode): oid = "website" schema_type = colander.String missing = ""
[docs] class EmailField(colander.SchemaNode): oid = "email" schema_type = colander.String missing = ""
[docs] class FaxField(colander.SchemaNode): oid = "fax" schema_type = colander.String missing = ""
# -- Address tab --
[docs] class AddressNameField(colander.SchemaNode): oid = "address_name" schema_type = colander.String
[docs] class StreetField(colander.SchemaNode): oid = "street" schema_type = colander.String missing = ""
[docs] class PostalCodeField(colander.SchemaNode): oid = "postal_code" schema_type = colander.String missing = ""
[docs] class CityField(colander.SchemaNode): oid = "city" schema_type = colander.String missing = ""
[docs] class CountryField(colander.SchemaNode): oid = "country" schema_type = colander.String widget = deferred_country_widget missing = ""
[docs] class SubdivisionField(colander.SchemaNode): oid = "subdivision" schema_type = colander.String widget = deferred_subdivision_widget missing = ""
# --- Schemas -----------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class GeneralSchema(colander.Schema): widget = deform.widget.MappingWidget(template='navs/mapping') name = NameField(title=_("Name")) category = CategoryField(title=_("Category")) public = PublicField(title=_("Public data (other licensees may reuse " "this location)")) latitude = LatitudeField(title=_("Latitude")) longitude = LongitudeField(title=_("Longitude"))
[docs] class ContactSchema(colander.Schema): widget = deform.widget.MappingWidget(template='navs/mapping') contact_name = ContactNameField(title=_("Contact person name")) contact_first_name = ContactNameField( title=_("Contact person first name")) website = WebsiteField(title=_("Website")) email = EmailField(title=_("Email")) fax = FaxField(title=_("Fax"))
[docs] class AddressSchema(colander.Schema): widget = deform.widget.MappingWidget(template='navs/mapping') address_name = AddressNameField(title=_("Name (doorbell)")) street = StreetField(title=_("Street")) postal_code = PostalCodeField(title=_("Postal code")) city = CityField(title=_("City")) country = CountryField(title=_("Country"))
# TODO: subdivision = SubdivisionField(title=_(u"Subdivision"))
[docs] class SpacesSchema(colander.Schema): title = _("Spaces") widget = deform.widget.MappingWidget(template='navs/mapping') spaces = LocationSpaceSequence(title=_("Spaces"), min_len=1, language_overrides={ "custom": {"create": _("Add Space")} }) description = _("Please add at least one space to the location with a " "unique name (e.g. as indicated by the floor plan) so we " "know where the music is actually being played. Examples: " "show room #1, main floor, concert hall, meadow east to " "the pond, 2nd stage")
[docs] class AddLocationSchema(colander.Schema): widget = deform.widget.FormWidget(template='navs/form', navstyle='tabs') general = GeneralSchema(title=_("General")) contact = ContactSchema(title=_("Contact information")) address = AddressSchema(title=_("Business address")) spaces = SpacesSchema()
# --- Forms -------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def add_location_form(request): return deform.Form( schema=AddLocationSchema().bind(request=request), buttons=[ deform.Button('submit', _("Submit")) ] )