Source code for collecting_society_web.tests.conftest

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Pytest Fixtures

import pytest

[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope='class') def create_location_category(tryton): """ Yields a function to create a location category. """ records = [] LocationCategory = tryton.pool.get('location.category') @staticmethod @tryton.transaction(readonly=False) def create(**kwargs): location_category = LocationCategory(**kwargs) records.append(location_category) return location_category yield create tryton.delete_records(records)
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope='class') def create_location(tryton): """ Yields a function to create a location. """ records = [] Location = tryton.pool.get('location') @staticmethod @tryton.transaction(readonly=False) def create(**kwargs): location = Location(**kwargs) records.append(location) return location yield create tryton.delete_records(records)