# For copyright and license terms, see COPYRIGHT.rst (top level of repository)
# Repository: https://github.com/C3S/collecting_society_web
from . import Artist
import logging
from portal_web.models import Tdb
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Creation(Tdb):
Model wrapper for Tryton model object 'creation'
__name__ = 'creation'
def is_foreign_original(cls, request, derivative, original):
Checks if the original is a foreign object and still editable by the
current webuser.
Checks, if the original
1) is a foreign object
2) is still not claimed yet
3) is editable by the current web user
4) TODO: was not part of a distribution yet
request (pyramid.request.Request): Current request.
derivative (obj): Derived creation.
original (obj): Original creation.
true: if orignal is foreign and editable.
false: otherwise.
# sanity checks
if original.id not in [r.id for r in derivative.original_relations]:
return False
# 1) is a foreign object
if original.entity_origin != 'indirect':
return False
# 2) is still not claimed yet
if original.claim_state != 'unclaimed':
return False
# 3) is editable by the current web user
if not derivative.permits(request.web_user, 'edit_creation'):
return False
# 4) TODO: was not part of a distribution yet
return True
def is_foreign_track(cls, web_user, release, creation):
Checks if the track is a foreign object and still editable by the
current webuser.
Checks, if the creation
1) is a foreign object
2) is still not claimed yet
3) is editable by the current web user
4) TODO: was not part of a distribution yet
request (pyramid.request.Request): Current request.
release (obj): Release of track.
creation (obj): Track creation of release.
true: if orignal is foreign and editable.
false: otherwise.
# sanity check: is it part of the release?
included = False
for release_track in release.tracks:
if creation == release_track.creation:
included = True
if not included:
return False
return Creation.is_foreign_creation(web_user, creation)
def is_foreign_creation(cls, web_user, creation):
Checks if the creation is a foreign object and still editable by the
current webuser.
Checks, if the creation
1) is a foreign object
2) is still not claimed yet
3) is editable by the current web user
4) TODO: was not part of a distribution yet
request (pyramid.request.Request): Current request.
release (obj): Release of track.
track (obj): Track creation of release.
true: if orignal is foreign and editable.
false: otherwise.
# sanity checks
# 1) is a foreign object
if creation.entity_origin != 'indirect':
return False
# 2) is still not claimed yet
if creation.claim_state != 'unclaimed':
return False
# 3) is editable by the current web user
if not creation.permits(web_user, 'edit_creation'):
return False
# 4) TODO: was not part of a distribution yet
return True
def current_viewable(cls, request):
Searches creations, which the current web_user is allowed to view.
request (pyramid.request.Request): Current request.
list: viewable creations of current web_user
None: if no match is found
return cls.search_viewable_by_web_user(request.web_user.id)
def search(cls, domain, offset=None, limit=None, order=None,
escape=False, active=True):
Searches creations by domain
domain (list): domain passed to tryton
obj: list of creations
# prepare query
if escape:
domain = cls.escape_domain(domain)
if active:
domain.append(('active', 'in', (True, active)))
# search
result = cls.get().search(domain, offset, limit, order)
return result
def search_count(cls, domain, escape=False, active=True):
Counts creations by domain
domain (list): domain passed to tryton
int: number of creations
# prepare query
if escape:
domain = cls.escape(domain)
if active:
domain.append(('active', 'in', (True, active)))
# search
result = cls.get().search_count(domain)
return result
def search_all(cls, active=True):
Fetches all Creations
active (bool, optional): active records only? Defaults to True.
list: creation
None: if no match is found
return cls.get().search([('active', 'in', (True, active))])
def search_by_id(cls, creation_id, active=True):
Searches a creation by creation id
.. note::
We don't want our internal ids to be exposed to the world.
So better use ``search_by_oid()``.
creation_id (int): creation.id
active (bool, optional): active records only? Defaults to True.
obj: creation
None: if no match is found
result = cls.get().search([
('id', '=', creation_id),
('active', 'in', (True, active))
if not result:
return None
return result[0]
def search_by_oid(cls, oid, active=True):
Searches a creation by oid (public api id)
oid (uuid): creation.oid
obj: creation
None: if no match is found
result = cls.get().search([
('oid', '=', oid),
('active', 'in', (True, active))
if not result:
return None
return result[0]
def search_by_code(cls, creation_code, active=True):
Searches a creation by creation code
creation_code (int): creation.code
obj: creation
None: if no match is found
result = cls.get().search([
('code', '=', creation_code),
('active', 'in', (True, active))
if not result:
return None
return result[0]
def search_by_party(cls, party_id, active=True):
Searches creations by party id
party_id (int): party.party.id
active (bool, optional): active records only? Defaults to True.
list: creations of web_user
None: if no match is found
return cls.get().search([
('entity_creator', '=', party_id),
('artist.party', '=', party_id),
('contributions.artist.party', '=', party_id),
('contributions.artist.solo_artists.party', '=', party_id),
('contributions.artist.group_artists.party', '=', party_id)
('active', 'in', (True, active))
def search_by_artist(cls, artist_id, active=True):
Searches creations by artist id
artist_id (int): artist.id
active (bool, optional): active records only? Defaults to True.
list: creations
None: if no match is found
result = cls.get().search([
('artist', '=', artist_id),
('active', 'in', (True, active))
return result or None
def search_by_artistname_and_title(cls, artist_name, title, active=True):
Searches creations by artist name and title
artist_name (char): artist.name
title (char): creation.title
active (bool, optional): active records only? Defaults to True.
list: creations
None: if no match is found
result = cls.get().search([
('artist.name', '=', artist_name),
('title', '=', title),
('active', 'in', (True, active))
return result or None
def search_by_contributions_of_artist(cls, artist_id, active=True):
Searches creations by contributions of artist id
artist_id (int): artist.id
active (bool, optional): active records only? Defaults to True.
list: creations
None: if no match is found
result = cls.get().search([
('contributions.artist', '=', artist_id),
('active', 'in', (True, active))
return result or None
def search_viewable_by_web_user(cls, web_user_id, active=True):
Searches creations, which the web_user is allowed to view.
web_user_id (int): web.user.id
list: viewable creations of web_user, empty if none were found
return cls.get().search([
('acl.web_user', '=', web_user_id),
('acl.roles.permissions.code', '=', 'view_creations')
], [
('artist.acl.web_user', '=', web_user_id),
'=', 'view_artist_creations'),
def delete(cls, creation):
Deletes creation
creation (list): creations::
[creation1, creation2, ...]
return cls.get().delete(creation)
def create(cls, vlist):
Creates creations
vlist (list): list of dicts with attributes to create creations::
'title': str (required)
'artist': int artist.id (required)
KeyError: if required field is missing
list: created creations
None: if no object was created
log.debug('create creation:\n{}'.format(vlist))
for values in vlist:
if 'title' not in values:
raise KeyError('title is missing')
# TODO: if commited, also check if there is at least one valid
# title in ReleaseCreation. if not: dashboard warning
if 'artist' not in values:
raise KeyError('artist is missing')
result = cls.get().create(vlist)
return result or None
def create_foreign(cls, party, artist_name, title):
Creates foreign Artist(!) and Creaion
party: the Party that wants to create the foreign objects
artist_name: the artist name of the foreign artist object
title: the original title of the foreign creation object
Creation object: the creation that has been creation
None: if no object was created
artist = Artist.create([{
'name': artist_name,
'entity_origin': 'indirect',
'entity_creator': party.id
if not artist:
return None
creation = Creation.create([{
'title': title,
'artist': artist[0].id,
'entity_origin': 'indirect',
'entity_creator': party.id
if not creation:
return None
return creation[0]