Source code for collecting_society_web.models.content

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import logging

from portal_web.models import (

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Content(Tdb): """ Model wrapper for Tryton model object 'web.user'. """ __name__ = 'content'
[docs] @classmethod def current_viewable(cls, request): """ Searches content, which the current web_user is allowed to view. Args: request (pyramid.request.Request): Current request. Returns: list: viewable content of web_user None: if no match is found """ return cls.search_viewable_by_web_user(
[docs] @classmethod def current_orphans(cls, request, category='all'): """ Searches orphan content in category of current web user. Args: request (pyramid.request.Request): Current request. category (str): optional - Category of content. Returns: list (content): List of content. None: If no match is found. """ party = WebUser.current_web_user(request).party return cls.search_orphans(, category)
[docs] @classmethod def current_rejects(cls, request, reason, category='all'): """ Searches rejected content (optionally in category) of current web user. Args: request (pyramid.request.Request): Current request. reason (str): Reason for rejected content. category (str): optional - Category of content. Returns: list (content): List of content. None: If no match is found. """ party = WebUser.current_web_user(request).party return cls.search_rejects(, reason, category)
[docs] @classmethod def current_uncommits(cls, request, category='all'): """ Searches uncommited content (optionally in category) of current web user. Args: request (pyramid.request.Request): Current request. category (str): optional - Category of content. Returns: list (content): List of content. None: If no match is found. """ party = WebUser.current_web_user(request).party return cls.search_uncommits(, category)
[docs] @classmethod def search(cls, domain, offset=None, limit=None, order=None, escape=False, active=True): """ Searches content entries by domain Args: domain (list): domain passed to tryton Returns: obj: list of content entries """ # prepare query if escape: domain = cls.escape_domain(domain) if active: domain.append(('active', 'in', (True, active))) # search result = cls.get().search(domain, offset, limit, order) return result
[docs] @classmethod def search_count(cls, domain, escape=False, active=True): """ Counts content entries by domain Args: domain (list): domain passed to tryton Returns: int: number of content entries """ # prepare query if escape: domain = cls.escape(domain) if active: domain.append(('active', 'in', (True, active))) # search result = cls.get().search_count(domain) return result
[docs] @classmethod def search_all(cls): """ Gets all content. Returns: list (obj[content]): List of content. None: if no match is found. """ return cls.get().search([('active', '=', True)])
[docs] @classmethod def search_by_id(cls, uid): """ Searches a content by id. Args: uid (string): Id of the content. Returns: obj (content): Content. None: If no match is found. """ if uid is None: return None result = cls.get().search([ ('active', '=', True), ('id', '=', uid) ]) if not result: return None return result[0]
[docs] @classmethod def search_by_oid(cls, oid, active=True): """ Searches a content by oid (public api id) Args: oid (int): content.oid Returns: obj: content None: if no match is found """ result = cls.get().search([ ('oid', '=', oid), ('active', 'in', (True, active)) ]) if not result: return None return result[0]
[docs] @classmethod def search_by_code(cls, content_code, active=True): """ Searches a content by content code Args: content_code (int): content.code Returns: obj: content None: if no match is found """ result = cls.get().search([ ('code', '=', content_code), ('active', 'in', (True, active)) ]) if not result: return None return result[0]
[docs] @classmethod def search_by_name(cls, name): """ Searches a content by name. Args: name (str): Name of the content. Returns: list (content): List of content. """ if name is None: return None result = cls.get().search([ ('active', '=', True), ('name', '=', name) ]) return result
[docs] @classmethod def search_by_uuid(cls, uuid): """ Searches a content by uuid. Args: uuid (str): Uuid of the content. Returns: obj (content): Content. None: If no match is found. """ if uuid is None: return None result = cls.get().search([ ('active', '=', True), ('uuid', '=', uuid) ]) if not result: return None return result[0]
[docs] @classmethod def search_by_archive(cls, archive): """ Searches a content by archive. Args: archive (int): Id of the archive. Returns: list (content): List of content. """ if archive is None: return None result = cls.get().search([ ('active', '=', True), ('archive', '=', archive) ]) return result
[docs] @classmethod def search_by_party(cls, party_id): """ Searches a content by party id. Args: party_id (int): Id of the party. Returns: list (content): List of content. """ if party_id is None: return None result = cls.get().search([ ('active', '=', True), ('entity_creator', '=', party_id) ]) return result
[docs] @classmethod def search_by_web_user(cls, web_user_id): """ Searches a content by web user id. Args: web_user_id (int): Id of the user. Returns: list (content): List of content. """ if web_user_id is None: return None web_user = WebUser.search_by_id(web_user_id) if web_user is None: return None result = cls.get().search([ ('active', '=', True), ('entity_creator', '=', ]) return result
[docs] @classmethod def search_by_creation(cls, creation_id): """ Searches a content by creation id. Args: creation_id (int): Id of the creation. Returns: obj (content): Content. None: If no match is found. """ if creation_id is None: return None result = cls.get().search([ ('active', '=', True), ('creation', '=', creation_id) ]) if not result: return None return result[0]
[docs] @classmethod def search_by_creation_and_category(cls, creation_id, category): """ Searches a content by creation id and content category. Args: creation_id (int): Id of the creation. category (strint): e.g. 'audio' oder 'sheet' Returns: obj (content): Content. None: If no match is found. """ if creation_id is None: return None result = cls.get().search([ ('active', '=', True), ('creation', '=', creation_id), ('category', '=', category) ]) if not result: return None return result[0]
[docs] @classmethod def search_by_extension(cls, extension): """ Searches a content by extension. Args: extension (str): Extension of the content. Returns: list (content): List of content. """ if extension is None: return None result = cls.get().search([ ('active', '=', True), ('extension', '=', extension) ]) return result
[docs] @classmethod def search_by_mime_type(cls, mime_type): """ Searches a content by mime type. Args: mime_type (str): Mime type of the content. Returns: list (content): List of content. """ if mime_type is None: return None result = cls.get().search([ ('active', '=', True), ('mime_type', '=', mime_type) ]) return result
[docs] @classmethod def search_viewable_by_web_user(cls, web_user_id, active=True): """ Searches artists, which the web_user is allowed to view. Args: web_user_id (int): Returns: list: viewable artists of web_user, empty if none were found """ return cls.get().search([ [ 'OR', [ ('acl.web_user', '=', web_user_id), ('acl.roles.permissions.code', '=', 'view_content') ], [ ('creation.artist.acl.web_user', '=', web_user_id), ('creation.artist.acl.roles.permissions.code', '=', 'view_artist_content'), ] ] ])
[docs] @classmethod def search_unprocessed(cls, party_id, category): """ Searches unprocessed content in category of web user. Args: cls (pyramid.request.Request): Current request. party_id (int): Res user id. category (str): Category of content. Returns: list (content): List of content. None: If no match is found. """ if party_id is None: return None search_clause = [ ('active', '=', True), ('entity_creator', '=', party_id), ('creation', '=', None), ('processing_state', '!=', 'rejected'), ('processing_state', '!=', 'dropped'), ('processing_state', '!=', 'archived') ] if category != 'all': search_clause.append( ('category', '=', category) ) result = cls.get().search(search_clause) return result or None
[docs] @classmethod def search_orphans(cls, party_id, category): """ Searches orphan content in category of web user. Args: cls (pyramid.request.Request): Current request. party_id (int): Res user id. category (str): Category of content. Returns: list (content): List of content. None: If no match is found. """ if party_id is None: return None search_clause = [ ('active', '=', True), ('entity_creator', '=', party_id), ('creation', '=', None), [ 'OR', ('processing_state', '=', 'archived'), ('processing_state', '=', 'dropped') ] ] if category != 'all': search_clause.append( ('category', '=', category) ) result = cls.get().search(search_clause) return result or None
[docs] @classmethod def search_rejects(cls, party_id, reason, category): """ Searches duplicate content of current user. Args: cls (pyramid.request.Request): Current request. party_id (int): Res user id. reason (str): Reason for rejected content. category (str): Category of content. Returns: list (content): List of content. None: If no match is found. """ search_clause = [ ('active', '=', True), ('entity_creator', '=', party_id), ('processing_state', '=', 'rejected') ] if reason == 'dupl': search_clause.append( ('duplicate_of', '!=', None) ) if reason == 'ferror': search_clause.append( ('rejection_reason', '=', 'format_error') ) if reason == 'lossyc': search_clause.append( ('rejection_reason', '=', 'lossy_compression') ) if category != 'all': search_clause.append( ('category', '=', category) ) result = cls.get().search(search_clause) return result or None
[docs] @classmethod def search_uncommits(cls, party_id, category): """ Searches uncommited content of current user. Args: cls (pyramid.request.Request): Current request. party_id (int): Res user id. category (str): Category of content. Returns: list (content): List of content. None: If no match is found. """ search_clause = [ ('active', '=', True), ('entity_creator', '=', party_id), ('commit_state', '=', 'uncommited'), ('processing_state', '!=', 'rejected') ] if category != 'all': search_clause.append( ('category', '=', category) ) result = cls.get().search(search_clause) return result or None
[docs] @classmethod def delete(cls, content): """ Deletes content Args: content (list): contents:: [content1, content2, ...] Returns: ? """ return cls.get().delete(content)
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, vlist): """ Creates content. Args: vlist (list): List of dictionaries with attributes of a content. [ { 'active': bool, 'uuid': str (required), 'name': str (required), 'size': int, 'path': str, 'preview_path': str, 'mime_type': str, 'mediation': bool, 'duplicate_of': int, 'duplicates': list, 'entity_origin': str (required), 'entity_creator': str (required), 'user_committed_state': bool, 'fingerprintlogs': list, 'checksums': list, 'archive': int, 'category': str (required), 'creation': int, 'processing_state': str, 'processing_hostname': str, 'rejection_reason': str, 'length': float, 'channels': int, 'sample_rate': int, 'sample_width': int }, { ... } ] Returns: list (obj[content]): List of created content. None: If no object was created. Raises: KeyError: If required field is missing. """ for values in vlist: if 'processing_state' not in values: raise KeyError('processing_state is missing') if 'name' not in values: raise KeyError('name is missing') if 'uuid' not in values: raise KeyError('uuid is missing') if 'entity_origin' not in values: raise KeyError('entity_origin is missing') if 'entity_creator' not in values: raise KeyError('entity_creator is missing') if 'category' not in values: raise KeyError('category is missing') log.debug('create content:\n{}'.format(vlist)) result = cls.get().create(vlist) return result or None